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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did you not see my original post? I said when neither is abused, regular intake of alcohol is near harmless, the same cannot be said of marijuana, not only cognitively but physically as well. 


    You're speaking in terms of abuse which I acknowledge alcohol is far worse, but regular use is not abuse. 

    A toke off a joint is not worse than drinking a beer

  2. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Alcohol is more destructive when abused, weed is more destructive in general. It absolutely messes up your cognitive function not to mention lungs just from regular use. 


  3. 12 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Did you go back in time to when you were 13, and make that quote up?


    Or was that a line from the movie. lol


    Then go dry meat the old way, and then give your back teeth a workout by trying to bit into said meat. Maybe you'll start evolving in reverse and grow back your wisdom teeth.

    I did just get back from a hunting trip yesterday, gotta skin my deer tonight and let it age a bit before I cut it up. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Wait a minute, I thought that it was obvious that Fight Club was definitely making a statement about masculinity being toxic.


    It clearly shows it showing both extremes. Men are not masculine enough, and then they over-correct themselves and become a bunch of mindless, thoughtless, savages who can't think for themselves, probably because they never want to let their masculinity down, and they are trying to appease a god-like masculine figure..........who isn't even real (Tyler Durden).


    I thought all of this was quite apparent.


    Glengarry Glen Ross is also about masculinity and how it can be over-abused in specific settings.

    Calling a part of human nature toxic is to deny nature itself. 

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