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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. At least the games would hold up better. Early 3d games are terrible now, it's like going back and playing late 70's vector games.
  2. Fuck it. I fixed the main font colours. I'll do the rest later, the cp is wonky on a phone.
  3. Nevermind I'm in. Doing this from a phone kind of sucks though lol
  4. I'm not sure what happened to the basic theme, it may be disabled. I can't get into the admin cp at the moment. Either way I'll fix lite or bring back basic.
  5. I'll darken the default font colour on the lite theme when I get home.
  6. That makes zero sense. It's not like nes games would display any differently
  7. Rockstar needs to reopen Rockstar Vancouver and make BULLY FUCKING TWO
  8. looks like it. Aza go take your meds and come back tomorrow.
  9. These kids freestyle some mumble. Can't tell the difference from the popular shit xanny's for my granny lol
  10. Fuck this is so bad it's embarrassing
  11. Honesty is gonna be illegal. Well its headed that way
  12. This white rapper is woke lol. Deeno should like this
  13. We added a dildo function. I'll let Alphonse explain it.
  14. Rap is always so fucking petty and childish
  15. Bojack season 5 hits the mark. Fucking amazing season
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