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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 13 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    "Yeah but other than all that racist shit he wrote, where is the racist shit he wrote?" - The Post.

    Who cares if he wrote racist shit a 90 years ago when every human on the planet was a racist dumbfuck? The games made based on his ideas are not racist and that should be the point. 


    We don't need to keep throwing the baby out with the bathwater 


    1. a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
  2. 9 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    I'd half-nominate bhytre just because at least he's funny sometimes.  That's damned impressive for a lemming.


    But only for 48 hours.  Then strip him of that shit. :ben: 


    EDIT: Can I re-nominate GD?  He's perfect for this place.

    Yes you can re-nominate him

  3. Sorry GD and Gouk your 1 year terms will be ending on November 5th and on November 6th I will appoint 2 new mods. Remij, I will extend your service until next November as you were just modded last month. 


    Please put forth your names if you wish to be a SW moderator and list 3 reasons why you are a good pick. GS and Gouk you may run for a second term if you so choose. 




    This is not a real election, you do not get to vote. Alph and I will choose. 

  4. 1 hour ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Anyone who has read Lovecraft knows he's racist as fuck.  Except Deeno, first because he's too busy agreeing with the depictions, and second because he doesn't read.


    Article's dumb, though.  You can easily make a Lovecraftian style of entertainment without incorporating any of his racist views.  Bloodeborn did it perfectly.

    Ok fine but why write this article if everyone already knows this?  Other than the author of the article trying to score some virtue points.  Lmao "problematic" fuck I hate how overused that word has become :mj:

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