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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. This game already had online, Nintendo's new service has nothing to do with a cheater currently playing splatoon before the service launches
  2. Lmao if you think those sites are right wing then you may be completely delusional about the world.
  3. Just let women choose the careers they want like they are already doing. No one is stopping women from getting into stem fields. They have every right to choose their own path. Why is there so much focus on this? Why aren't we obsessing over why men don't want to be nurses and school teachers?
  4. Nope. My backlog is too big to buy another game
  5. Only if it's a super collar like a Dracula cape
  6. Which is odd considering nintendo has 3 consoles that outsell ps4
  7. Universities should not have safe spaces for anyone. It's not a fucking home it's a place to learn and be challenged.
  8. He just says no with a smug smirk on his face
  9. He's a weak pussy leader who can't handle criticism
  10. No no he's a combo of cersei and little finger
  11. He's like the queen of thorns or cersei lannister
  12. I'm hoping he shows his tranny loving face in here
  13. This has become normal. Why has no one assassinated him yet? Also doesn't he realize poison is the tool of women and not real men? Can't wait until someone poisons him in return. Fucking faggot
  14. You get what you pay for. It's a cheap service and you get a cheap service
  15. Guys this service is the cost of 4 Starbucks lattes a YEAR. Psn saves are deleted after a month
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