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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/09/reminder_you_dont_need_xenoblade_chronicles_2_to_play_torna_n_the_golden_country You don't need xeno2 to play it. Weird
  2. Well it's not just that, it's also kind of interesting on how this all began. What happened with parenting in the 90s to make them so over protective of their children it literally fucks up their natural behavior.
  3. Thank you for listening. Voidler you fuck. Just listen to it. Don't avoidler this lol
  4. You'd like that. He's got a nice mouth
  5. Even when I play it on the TV with a pro controller I still use the joystick.
  6. don't think so, but im sure someone did. Then someone brought up the switch version has framerate issues then i brought up the reviews state all versions have framerate issues.
  7. I was exaggerating. Also this game is best on Switch. It doesn't need a high powered brick of a console to run it and its great on the go.
  8. I'd love an electric truck but we don't have them yet. So i went with the most fuel efficient one i could buy at the time.
  9. yes i posted it a couple days ago
  10. i have a f150 ecoboost for camping/hunting trips and a civic for daily use.
  11. because apparently 3 million jobs would be lost.. because no new industry would take its place.. LIKE IT ALREADY HAS BEEN DOING. lol
  12. pleeeease just listen to the podcast voidler, I can tell you are a smart dude. Go listen to two smarter men discuss this topic at a level we cannot.
  13. Im sorry you had to wait so long for this amazing game. Be a good lemming and buy it.
  14. 1- Absolutely not. Though they experience the worst. 2- listen to the podcast 3- its an anology
  15. LMAO thats the biggest load of bullshit and you fucking know it. show me where the Obama regulations had an impact on job loss.
  16. I don't believe in God, And neither does Trump, who also happens to be in the process of throwing out all pollution regulations to fuck the planet some more for the sake of 'prosperity'. Short sighted thinking is whats going to fuck us all in the end.
  17. What prosperity will we have when the planet is dead?
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