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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 7 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Once again, I point you to the Southern Baptist Convention that LITERALLY VOTED on declaring their wives to be subjective people to men.


    That wasn't a niche group of Christianity, that was pretty much America's HEARTLAND saying that in one big collective voice.


    Don't see you feigning outrage over the state of things. And that's a religion that is at your doorstep.

    Again you're equating a watermelon to a grape. If you were to poll all Christians vs Muslims on whether wives should submit to their husbands do you honestly believe it would be even close? For real?

  2. 17 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I love how you pretend to play dumb, as if I didn't already answer a question like that already.




    So you're saying Nike won't be selling these in the UK? They are selling them to the 6 Muslims that live in America? And I responded to your question, this thread is not just about a Nike hijab but the oppression of Muslim women AS A WHOLE. Stop nitpicking and redirecting, you debate like Trump. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Show me proof that second-generation muslims in America believe this...........AS A WHOLE.


    Because anecdotes sure as hell aren't going to cut it.


    Wow, you really do seem to be running away and going on tangents, again and again.

    Why are you redirecting to America which has far less Muslims per capita than the UK.?

  4. 14 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Except religion isn't the only factor in those countries.


    -Lack of democracy, lack of democratic infrastructure

    -Lack of education

    -Lack of contact with the outside world

    -Lack of income and economic opportunity.


    Please..........tell me about the violence in Africa, who suffer from all of those same things, and how many people are killed in Africa..........does RELIGION play an important part in that violence?????


    I mean..........you're saying RELIGION is the underlying cause in Lebanon Turkey and Egypt. So there violence in Africa = related to religion. Right?

    You're right. You're always right. Now explain why second generation uk Muslims think it's ok to beat women and chop off hands of thieves 





  5. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    And those UK muslims also killed alot less than the Muslims you are basing your Vaginal Mutliations and Stonings on.


    Number of times that cooke has avoided giving a percentage of vaginal mutilations and stonings in the Muslim world: 4 posts.

    Why do you only want to talk about western countries with small minority Muslim populations and not where 95% of Muslims live? Is it because the more Muslims you have the worse the country gets?

    Example A: Lebanon 

    Example B: Turkey 

    Example C: Egypt



  6. 11 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Except you are proving that those in first-world countries are having more progressive positions compared to the ones who are in heavily controlled muslim countries.


    74% of Mormon evangelicals believed that Homosexuality was morally wrong roughly 10 years ago. So should we put Mormons on the level of Muslims in terms of their savagery?


    I love you peddling the Sharia Law scare.


    That's like asking Christians is United States law should be based on Christian laws for morality. What's the percentage going to be on that? Well over 60%? Probably over 70%. LOL

    Mormons tend to kill a lot less per capita than Muslims. 

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    Because Nike is not selling them over there, they are selling them here.


    Why are trying to play dumb, at this point?????


    Because I've caught you from deviating from your argument, almost entirely???

    You're the one who can't even admit Islam is worse than Christianity and tries to equate the two. This thread was about the Islamic oppression of women, the Nike hijab was just the opening context. Don't play dumb. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    You've been talking about Nike hijabs that people in the Middle East were going to buy?



    Which is to say..............................ZERO of them were going to buy?


    Just caught you BULLSHITTIN'

    Why are zero of them going to buy it? Cause their husbands will stone them for wearing clothing from a western country? 

  9. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Except you are proving that those in first-world countries are having more progressive positions compared to the ones who are in heavily controlled muslim countries.


    74% of Mormon evangelicals believed that Homosexuality was morally wrong roughly 10 years ago. So should we put Mormons on the level of Muslims in terms of their savagery?


    I love you peddling the Sharia Law scare.


    That's like asking Christians is United States law should be based on Christian laws for morality. What's the percentage going to be on that? Well over 60%? Probably over 70%. LOL

    I've been talking about the Islamic religion, not the very small minority of Muslims living in the unities states. 

  10. Just now, jehurey said:

    Except you are basing your generalizations from small sects of extreme Muslims in the most backwoods parts in the world.


    Tell me........give me a PERCENTAGE..............how many Muslims are doing Vaginal Mutilation and Stonings.


    I'll wait for your answer. No matter how many times you try to avoid it, I am correct when I make the analogy of finding the MOST extreme, niche, Christians to generalize Christianity as a whole.

    England is not backwoods. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    except the people who are supporting ban in marriage are ACTUALLY imposing those laws in America.


    And that's not happening in the UK.


    And that's the thing.............you win one apple, they will want a second apple, and then more and more and more.


    The mentality is prevalent across both religions. You are merely pointing out that they are at different levels on the ladder, but it doesn't stop the fact that they both have the same goals if you allow them.

    Oh dear lord. I am merely pointing out they are different levels on the same ladder yes. THATS THE FUCKING POINT! Christianity is in the middle of the ladder while Islam is on the bottom rung and has been there since 700ad with no hope of moving up unless white liberals stop attacking ex Muslims from trying to reform the religion. My hope is that both religions reach the top of that ladder and simply fall off and die. 





  12. 43 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    As of 2009, we had polls in America...........in California in which people thought that homosexuals should not be allowed to get married.


    Opinion changes and people become more progressive.  Muslims in the western world are INFLUENCED by the western world.


    Like I said before.............why aren't these Muslims killing people every day? Are they LAZY muslims who are putting it off until later?



    lol  not getting married vs CRIMINALIZED

  13. Just now, jehurey said:

    Far more common in backwoods Islam countries................where sects like the Wahhabi's live.


    This is why you are wrong to make generalizations.


    Because that would be like me judging Christianity based on what the Westboro Baptist Church does.

    explain the polls in BRITAIN where 90% of muslims believe Homosexuality should be criminilized. 

  14. Just now, jehurey said:

    hmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe "turtle" will answer me on that particular question.


    Or, since I'm now expecting a response from "turtle" maybe the person who controls "turtle" will purposely try to do the opposite and NOT respond to it.


    Wow, you know its really amazing.


    When I check "Turtle's " activity page and see the last posts he's made, the vast, vast, VAST majority of turtle's replies are made to YOU Cooke.


    Why is that?

    Because Turtle is a friend I play dota with and i brought him here. I am the only one he really knows.  Does it not display ip's for you above posts? 

  15. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Actually they condone women going to jail because they want to abort a baby.


    That isn't just the religion, that is the religion actually trying to influence AMERICAN LAW, right NOW, in the year 2018.


    You keep on bringing up things like stonings..............I guess I can bring up outlier incidents in which Christians are committing violence. Maybe things like explosions at abortion clinics.


  16. Just now, jehurey said:

    It means you went away on your Cooke account, and you accidentally responded to me under the alt.


    Why would this Turtle person come in and pick up the SAME exact argument as you are...........and he's not picking it up from the beginning, he's picking it up mid-way.  Very odd.


    Once I ask "is Turtle Cooke's alt-account?"


    Your "Cooke" account, which was inactive for at least an hour............suddenly comes back and posts in this thread immediately.


    You can see their status when hovering your mouse icon over people's names. I made a point to check.

    I dunno, maybe he read the conversation?  Sounds pretty plausible.  People do tend to jump into discussions sometimes on forums :|

    • Haha 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, Vini said:

    This dude said Sam Harris the guy who shits on Trump every other breath is alt right. 


    I still can't get over this level of delusion lmao

    It's like he's never actually listened to anything he's said and is just regurgitating some hit piece he read on Salon. 

  18. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Wow................a rapid series of comments back and forth between two people.


    All of this happening immediately after I pointed this out.

    You're replying pretty fast too! Must be a leftist conspiracy lmao 

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