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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    LOL, these guys really do think they have the "leftists" in a perfect Catch-22 with this attempt at concern-trolling over Muslim women.


    Apparently they think that leftists condone misogny because they tolerate Muslims.


    That's like saying "I tolerate christians" and immediately say "wait, so you are okay with David Koresh having sex with minors and stockpiling weapons and hiding behind women as children and he got into a shootout with the government??????"


    Reductive arguments are so cute.

    Umm 1 guy? The treatment towards women by Muslim men as a whole is entirely disgusting. Yes Christianity sucks shit but Islam sucks the shit Christians shit out after sucking shit.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    I know. It's all old assets.


    I just find it funny that Micheal was shitting on World but turn around and plays the outdated MH pos game on his favorite pos handheld. IRL fanboys. lmao

    Well it is the best "true" monster Hunter game. World changes up the traditional formula that some people really enjoyed. 

  3. It's ok to be a misogynistic homophobic conservative in every sense of the word as long as you are brown. If Islam was a majority white religion the left would have absolutely no problem attacking it. 


    And then the left has the "courage" to attack Islamic reformers like Ayan Hirsi Ali who had her genitals mutilated as a child and majiid nawaz who was imprisoned for 6 years in Egypt for being an islamist extremist but changed his ways also gets attacked by white liberals as an islamaphobe. Lmao the fucking hypocrisy is intense. 


    You can't pick your skin colour but religion is a choice, and the laws and beliefs of a religion can be changed. 


    If you claim to be a liberal then fucking stand up for liberal ideas. Islam is the least liberal religion in the world, stop defending it. You don't defend Christianity, so you don't need to defend Islam. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. All centrists are alt right now. This group just keeps getting bigger. Guess I'm alt right now too because I find Islam (a set of beliefs and ideas, not a race) completely abhorrent and oppressive. 

  5. 5 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson.


    The pre-eminent attempt to dress up alt-right ideology as sophisticated psycho-analysis.

    Oh dear lord. Both of these guys despise trump. How does that make sense? 

  6. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No it doesn't.


    Listening to alt-right champions, spouting alt-right talking points, and condoning or excusing the actions of the alt-right IS what makes you a right-winger.

    Which alt right champions do we listen to? I'm curious as to what you think an alt right commentator is. 

  7. 35 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Do you see non-white people make a big deal about it?

    How do you know the race of everyone? Shouldn't you be against this? Islam is extremely oppressive to women yet you don't seem to give a fuck because Muslims are mostly brown. Do you realize how racist you are?

  8. 1 hour ago, Ike said:

    Income inequality has never been greater though due to no real salary growth in 40 years.


    "Recasting the 2012 income using the 1979 income distribution, the bottom 99% of families would have averaged about $7,100 more income"



    income inequality does not equate to poverty. Those are 2 very different things. 

  9. Just now, Truno2018 said:

    If you mean North America as a continent I wasn’t referring to that.


    From what I’ve constantly read and heard poverty has increased in the USA.




    In 1999 it was 11.9%, in 2010 it went up to 15.1%, in 2016 it went down to 12.7%.


    Poverty is certainly up compared to 1999 in 2016 but maybe there’s some 2017/2018 data somewhere. 

    I think we need to get a better idea of who is killing themselves. Is it poor people? Correlation doesn't imply causation. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, Truno2018 said:

    The huge income inequality and huge amount of poverty in the US can’t help. That’s definitely increased during that time period.


    People feeling powerless over their lives because their government is corrupted by whoever the biggest bidder is can’t help matters. That’s another issue that got worse over that time period.


    Changes in gender roles I’m sure contribute on some level as well. Of course people need to evolve with the times but some people genuinely feel displaced in a society that has changed from men as being the breadwinners and achievers. And their traditional family livelihoods have also been shipped overseas. Some folks are having an identity crisis. 


    I’m really fortunate not to have any friends who have committed suicide, some others have not been so lucky. The UK shares some parallels with the US but overall not to the same degree.

    poverty has decreased exponentially in north America the past 30 years, suicide rates should follow suit, no? 

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