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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Yup, just backwoods muslims.
  2. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    England is not backwoods.
  3. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Oh dear lord. I am merely pointing out they are different levels on the same ladder yes. THATS THE FUCKING POINT! Christianity is in the middle of the ladder while Islam is on the bottom rung and has been there since 700ad with no hope of moving up unless white liberals stop attacking ex Muslims from trying to reform the religion. My hope is that both religions reach the top of that ladder and simply fall off and die.
  4. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    lol not getting married vs CRIMINALIZED
  5. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    explain the polls in BRITAIN where 90% of muslims believe Homosexuality should be criminilized.
  6. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Because Turtle is a friend I play dota with and i brought him here. I am the only one he really knows. Does it not display ip's for you above posts?
  7. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

  8. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    I dunno, maybe he read the conversation? Sounds pretty plausible. People do tend to jump into discussions sometimes on forums
  9. Hey Is MHGU better than Tri for Wii? thats the last one i played lol
  10. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    defending what? Make sense more. Bitch.
  11. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    It's like he's never actually listened to anything he's said and is just regurgitating some hit piece he read on Salon.
  12. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    You're replying pretty fast too! Must be a leftist conspiracy lmao
  13. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Those sound like 2 shared values by followers of abrahamic religions. Wonderful!! Christianity does not condone stonings or killing gays and apostates anymore. Again. Both religions are ASS, Islam is worse.
  14. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    And stop defending Islam by bringing up Christianity, its also a stupid dumb religion that has no value in 2018.
  15. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    The amount of Christians that treat their wives like slaves is quite minimal to Islam. You cannot disapprove this no matter what mental gymnastics you apply. Islam is the worst, most violent, least tolerant and backwards thinking of the three abrahamic religions. Its a religion created by a fucking warlord for fuck sakes. The bu bu Christianity excuse doesn't fucking work anymore. Christianity has progressed quite a lot since the medieval age, Islam has not.
  16. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    You are trying to equate a watermelon with a grape
  17. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    My best friend is a conservative Christian lol, he believes in creationism and all that crap yet accepts me like a brother and made me his sons God father. In Islam there is no room for tolerance, its convert or die like an apostate. Even moderate Muslims have views similar to the most intensely conservative Christians. Islam is a thousand years in the past and not changing. The Koran is the final word of God and cannot be changed or undone.
  18. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Listen. I'm gay. If I went to Saudi Arabia and told people this I would be either imprisoned, beaten to death or thrown off a building. And then we have people on the left defending this ideology because they think 1.2 billion people are a minority and are oppressed. How would you feel in my situation? Believing in a RELIGION should not equal being born into something you can't choose. It should not garner more support and defense. Liberals are very wrong on this matter, its why I moved away from being much like you are now. 5 Years ago I argued the exact same points you and Jerry make.
  19. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Umm 1 guy? The treatment towards women by Muslim men as a whole is entirely disgusting. Yes Christianity sucks shit but Islam sucks the shit Christians shit out after sucking shit.
  20. Cooke

    The Nike hijab

    Yeah creating more racists is a great idea
  21. Well it is the best "true" monster Hunter game. World changes up the traditional formula that some people really enjoyed.
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