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Posts posted by Cooke

  1. 22 minutes ago, culturalcrowns said:

    I don't want to make a new topic about this, so I'm going to post it here. Hello sw! I guess you could say that I'm a long lost poster of this site. You used to know me as Teh_Asian. I used to post here actively like a decade ago. But then I left this community because life got busy and I just didn't have time anymore. Eventually, I forgot about this website entirely but I did occasionally lurk maybe once a year.

    So can I ask you all a question? What the hell happened? Apparently now there's this sidescroller.net where a bunch of former SWers went.

    well hello there.  There was a group of forum terrorists that destroyed sw. A new site called sidescrollers was made but now its shutting down so we have brought sw back to life. If you want i could find you your login info for your original account. 

  2. On 10/2/2013 at 3:45 PM, Cubeaholic said:

    Really enjoying Pikmin 3 right now.  This is my first time plaything a game in this franchise.  Pretty good so far.


    Also just bought Wonderful 101 and will probably play a bit of it tonight.  Everything I have read about W101 on neogaf has been pretty stellar and I loved the demo.  Looking forward to playing this after it downloads.


    When I get done with those two titles will pick up GTA5 for my XFLOP360.

    his last post :(

  3. 5 hours ago, thezwarrior said:

    Cooke you are on fire! 

    No, literally, your head looks like it's on fire. As Smokey the Bear says, Only you can prevent forest fires.... by not being in one, Cooke.


    Jimbo, you remind me of a scene from a movie... what was it... Oh yes it's that scene from the Titanic where Jack tries to hold on for dear life. Do like Rose, and just let that patch in the front of your hair goooo.

    jk :) This thread would get a lot more activity if it was like reddit's roast me



    No he looks like that guy from Narcos 



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