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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. It looks like scary movies and me are related
  2. i was getting burnt. Im a half ginger, im allergic to sun.
  3. i hope it wasn't a sausage fest. sausage is delicious. No. 5 of us. 3 dudes, 2 girls
  4. he needs a kick in the butt. He still lives at home and hes in his late 20s with no job lol.
  5. jimbo. Do the world a favor. Shave your ugly ass beard, and get a proper haircut. You might look half decent.
  6. ive been meaning to watch this show, but my list is so long
  7. game of thrones is a fantastic well written and acted show. Don't write it off because its popular, thats fucking dumb.
  8. Nah, just a bit swampy :kissing: well wash those buns then.
  9. Ok give me your buns! They better not be sourdough
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