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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I hope she gasses you with novichok
  2. @Voidler have you listened to this yet? I'm actually really curious to hear your thoughts on this since you seem to be completely on the other side of the matter.
  3. Shouldn't you be finished the game by now? I actually thought this game came out a couple years ago lol. I've stopped paying attention to this series after ps1
  4. Well they did just suffer a major earthquake
  5. Prepare to be underwhelmed. Unless there is a mp4 clip.
  6. Slim shady sounds like a black man's name
  7. Eminem is deader than Mac miller
  8. 8 mile could never be made in 2018 because everyone would want the main character to be black, other wise it's a cultural appropriation.
  9. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/09/reminder_you_dont_need_xenoblade_chronicles_2_to_play_torna_n_the_golden_country You don't need xeno2 to play it. Weird
  10. Well it's not just that, it's also kind of interesting on how this all began. What happened with parenting in the 90s to make them so over protective of their children it literally fucks up their natural behavior.
  11. Thank you for listening. Voidler you fuck. Just listen to it. Don't avoidler this lol
  12. You'd like that. He's got a nice mouth
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