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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. How many men of fighting age does Ukraine have?
  2. Yeah they are both 21:9 The first boss? What class did you pick? Don't forget to dodge lol
  3. you're right. But this pulls votes from Biden in the general.
  4. what is true ultra wide? are you saying you have an ultra wide cinematic 2.39:1 monitor? or 32:9? i have a 21:9 aspect ratio monitor which is "true ultra wide"
  5. I didn't even notice. Good thing cutscenes are less than 1% of the game.
  6. Runs quite well on SteamDeck in 1080p hooked up to a monitor.
  7. Lmao you are so fucking naive. Beating Russia means what exactly? Retaking Crimea? Taking back all the territory currently held by Russia? And even if they manage to do that what's stoping Russia from doing it again? Unless Ukraine clones hundreds of thousands of new soldiers then they simply won't have the man power to do what you want them to. You guys are so fucking delusional. Ukraine has a few more million people than Canada. Vs a country with 150,000,000 people. With a massive army and nukes. Maybe if Clinton didn't tell Ukraine to give up it's nukes this would
  8. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/05/cornel-west-president-00100206
  9. I am being honest gouk. Talks gave to be on the table. If you don't agree then I'm afraid you're just another neocon
  10. If you cannot even mention peace talks then you're a warmonger.
  11. Why does no one give Nintendo shit for not doing the fake ass pride shit?
  12. Ok so go ahead and defend your pick of pentecostal evangelical Christian. You guys make fantastic arguments by the way.
  13. Good, maybe they will stop with the meaningless land acknowledgements too. Corporate virtue signaling is simply waving their hands at an issue. It's not change. It's bullshit.
  14. I'd pick Trump. He's far more liberal than Pence. Pence is a closet homo that would end gay marriage, ban abortion, bomb the middle east and start a war with China Trump for all his bombastic idiocy is still probably the most left of the conservative candidates. He's anti interventionalist, pro LGBT rights and is not a racist.
  15. I never once said they shouldn't defend themselves. Talk about bad faith discussion here gumbo. I said there needs to be negotiations and peace talks at some point before it escalates into all out war in Europe. Or is that what you are hoping for?
  16. Can you not double down and just explain why what I said is incorrect?
  17. Explain please . So tired of your meaningless replies.
  18. So you're saying Kamala has a base of black support now? Lmao
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