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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I really enjoyed it. Better than the previous 2
  2. From the first to the last in order. Now I will rank them for you Crack the sky Blood mountain Emperor of sand Leviathan Another trip around the sun Remission The Hunter K thx
  3. my god chun li looks ridiculous
  4. They better jump on the switch wagon if they plan on making money
  5. Cooke


    Says the guy just bought a new pc
  6. i deleted your old uploads. you now have another 43mbs
  7. You should have a 50mb limit. Might be your account.
  8. my monitor is 27". what a fucking waste of resources 4k would be
  9. you actually think running in 4k is better than having better textures, better atmospheric effects,better lighting and more a more consistent framerate? Are you that stupid? Detail pop-in is very distracting across both consoles, and the distance threshold is the same on each. The same goes for shadow filtering: shade only fills in close to the player as you walk forward and once again, the cascade appears to be the same on both machines. Combined, the pop-in really stands out, and it's distracting viewed in context of the otherwise excellent visuals. It doesn't look great, esp
  10. running on a gtx1060 eveything on Ultra. Your 4k xbox one x mode will not be ULTRA.
  11. ill take the better textures and smoother framerate at 1080p.. thats what my monitor is lol.
  12. Or any other country involved. Canada, Italy, France, China, Australia etc. It was called a world war for a reason lol
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