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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Dude you have everyone on the forum disagreeing with you. Lefties and righties both agreeing on this. Why do you think this is? Everyone is wrong and you are right? Lol
  2. A sane person would be like "oh ok you are closed now, I should have come before 9 o'clock because now it's 9:06 and I saw you already turned away 2 white people before me. Please have a nice night and go home to your families"
  3. This whole thing reminds of that bitch who made the Lyft video trying to get the guy in shit EVERYTHING IS RACIST
  4. What's the point of a closing time if people can just keep coming in and ordering? Are only white people not to be served after closing time? Lol this is so dumb. The staff want to go home!
  5. You can't kick people out who have paid for their meal and are eating it. Wtf man. You can shut your doors to new customers because your staff have to be able to go home at some point. This is pretty much a common sense argument.
  6. A burden to get fired over following your employers protocols? Yeah I'd say that's a hardship. Getting fired is incredibly stressful. We don't know if these people were supporting children and what not. Please tell me you don't think they should have lost their jobs over this.
  7. Lol western society is so fucky these days. No other culture bends over backwards for minorities. If we aren't bending over backwards enough then we are racist! Keep you store open later for all non whites cause you'll get fired if you don't.
  8. its was pretty much an unintentional sequel to mindhunters
  9. yeah i almost finished it in one day. Was so good!
  10. Outsider with Jared leto on netflix is waaaaay better than I thought it was gonna be.
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