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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Fortunately Ukraine and Russia are not the entire world and there's a lot more to worry about than ruskies and perogies. Also you are lying. He never said anything about surrender
  2. China kills girl babies, Japan is racist, and south Korea has the smallest penises on average in the world. No we don't need that, All 3 are very homogonous single race societies. Is that what you are wanting?
  3. This game has been in development forever lol
  4. Red flannel is quite popular with lesbians actually.
  5. Switch only sold 10k less than PS5 WW and it's in its 7th year on the market. Dat cliff
  6. https://www.bandlab.com/post/978221c1-15f9-ed11-907c-6045bd31b313 Dimensions Collide Would be neat if someone listened lol
  7. A CAR IS ALREADY INCLUSIVE. ANYONE CAN BUY ONE AND EVERYONE ALREADY DOES. its meaningless woke virtue signaling and its fucking vomit inducing. If you want to put a rainbow flag on your car then go for it. I see plenty of them, that's great! but the massive multinational company Ford doesn't need to make a commercial about people's sexual orientation. We shouldn't give a fuck about this stuff anymore. We need to move on and just be a cohesive society that stops with the identity bullshit. In the long run it will end up being decisive. The force feeding of "inclusiveness" when it
  8. Sorry bud. I don't listen to Russian propaganda. I pay attention the the facts. Losing does not equal winning. The US told Ukraine to change strategy months ago but Ukraine did not listen and continued wasting lives and weapons on Bakhmut. Somehow you always take the positive spin on every situation and not realize propaganda exists on both sides.
  9. Does a rainbow on a truck make you want to buy it? Do you like being pandered to by massive corporations? Who the fuck cares about sexual orientation when buying a vehicle. That has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen. We don't need this shit.
  10. You sound exactly like MSNBC. Did we not just hear a few weeks ago that Ukraine was winning Bakhmut? Now it's lost and somehow it's still a victory? The amount of resources spent on this city is astounding. Not to mention the loss of life. Ukraine can't win a war of attrition. They have no industrial base left, no economy, and 1/5th the manpower. They are 100% propped up by Europe and north America. How is this going to help the spring offensive? You realize for Ukraine to win they need to kill 5x as many Russians as Russians are killing Ukrainians. It's just simple math and i
  11. For like 2 or 3 months. Only first party games hold their value
  12. Adults tend to become more conservative as they age and live in the real world.
  13. Who the fuck cares about spiderman? I've never heard of anyone even mentioning the game in the real world. Zelda is everywhere and all consuming.
  14. Well I guess when pro models come out these current gen systems will be "holding back the gen"
  15. Like fat and small men and ugly https://theboar.org/2023/03/the-rewriting-of-roald-dahl-is-terrifying-for-literature/
  16. I had no idea it was ok! I am relieved. Yup. Definitely going to buy my next truck in rainbow. Rainbow = gay. Anyways, can we stop with the corporate pandering please? It's quite tiresome. It's 2023, we are ok with LGBTQ in the west. The battle has been won! But no, every year it's more more more. More pride sports jerseys, more pride flags on every business, more gay beers, more gay trucks.. give it a fucking rest. Do they not see this will only create resentment if they push it too far? Just treat everyone the fucking same with out the fuckin
  17. Lol they really should have changed the location for the remake. I've been to Spain and this is the most eastern European dark shit hole place I've ever seen.
  18. Ok. Increasing ram speed isn't going to increase temp in any meaningful way. And it's the ram clock speed that has the most effect on TOTK framerate.
  19. Neither is Joker. That's why it's in quotations
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