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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Joker Logan Dredd Birdman The Watchmen Unbreakable Split
  2. Whoever thought using a dude in woman face as a spokesperson is retarded.
  3. I hope your baby is gay and then your girlfriend decides to trans the kid like they do in Iran to avoid having gay people. JK congrats
  4. I like the game a lot but as Druid is my favorite character I cannot stand the new character design. Why the fuck are they fat? Lol. Druids live off the land.. where are they getting all that cake from?
  5. Torna Golden country is better than the base game of Xeno 2
  6. If Nintendo had gamepass and this was on it it would actually be a successful service.
  7. Zelda has sold 10 million copies in 3 days
  8. Same as a PC I would assume. Overheating if you go too far
  9. https://www.techspot.com/news/98706-overclocking-switch-can-boost-performance-zelda-tears-kingdom.html No framerate drops in totk. I have a launch day switch, gonna try this.
  10. Did you read all 300 pages yet? Also the pee tape was in it https://nypost.com/2023/05/16/durham-points-to-clinton-crony-charles-dolan-as-likely-pee-tape-source-from-notorious-steele-dossier-report/
  11. I likey Xbox but I like switch a lot more.
  12. They didn't receive coverage from the MSM which was fully complicit with the security state supressing free speech because it helped their narratives. Let me ask you this. Should people who say the pandemic started because of a Chinese coronavirus lab be censored? Even if it's wrong, should people in Twitter have been censored or blacklisted or removed from searches or trends? We all know MSNBC believes that because it's racist to think a pandemic can start in a bio lab in a country that's not white, but what about you?
  13. The steele dossier was a lie was it not? A lie funded by the Clinton campaign? There were so many facets to the Russian collusion it's hard to keep the lies in order. Also Jake Tapper said the FBI fucked up too. The funny thing is if the DNC hadn't rigged the primaries against Bernie in 2016 we probably wouldn't have had to deal with any of this and the media would still have some credibility and so would the FBI.
  14. Some dude says it's warranted. Durham says it wasn't. Hand over your Pulitzer WAPO. The entire basis for the investigation was built on a lie. That's not journalism that was activistism to prevent Donald from being elected. And nearly all the media went along with it with zero investigative reporting of their own. Just accept everything the FBI says as gospel. What the fuck happened to journalism ?
  15. It's rather telling you care about free speech in Turkey but couldn't give two shits for it in your own country 🤣
  16. Lmao you didn't watch the video you turd. So the The Hill owned by Star media group which also owns News Nation is not a source but some lady on Twitter is? I thought Twitter was right wing.
  17. What does Turkey and Twitter have to do with the Twitter files about government censorship on Americans? And the Twitter files have ended as far as I know? Turkey does not have free speech in his charter or constitution. A business must operate under the rules of the jurisdiction it is doing business in. Such as how Google limits search results and autocratic countries like China.
  18. Cheers 🎉🥂 Love you uteri womb parent 💕
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