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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. It's closer to Xbox 1 than 360 is what I was saying.
  2. @kazlisten to Santana Banana 🙂
  3. This has never happened to mine. What game are they playing on it?
  4. https://www.bandlab.com/post/ca256398-d3f1-ed11-907c-6045bd31b313 Santana Banana
  5. The lowest I can find is 100 000 dead Ukrainians. Is that not enough for you? What is the satisfactory death toll for you to agree the war needs to end?
  6. Ok. Show me what he said that's wrong with facts.
  7. Lmao do you believe anything anti war is misinformation?
  8. If you build a team of entirely 3rd and 2nd liners that means you don't have a bad line. It's a solid team top to bottom. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/how-the-vegas-golden-knights-became-the-best-nhl-expansion-team-in-50-years/article37759135/#:~:text=In the expansion draft%2C the,eight skaters%2C regardless of position.
  9. Taking good players from all the other teams? Especially what Vegas was allowed to take. They got to build a star team in their first year.
  10. I hope the stars beat Kraken. Theres no way a 2nd year team should be making the playoffs. They give too many advantages to new teams now. Same with Vegas.
  11. It should be better than that. Not sure what to compare it to but i guess between switch and Xbox one would be fine. Preferably closer to Xbox one.
  12. Generally you would want to ask what you would do as president at least at some point during the town hall.
  13. The audience asked better questions. She kept wanting to ask about the past, that's pointless when it's the future that matters for a president.
  14. Hopes 1080p OLED 8" screen Series S performance docked Xbox One S performance mobile 512gb storage Expectations 7" 720p OLED screen Switch docked performance in mobile Xbox one S performance docked 128gb storage
  15. It was a republican town hall, the audience was his audience alone.
  16. I think it only hurts him. The election denying stuff only pushes away independents and moderates and Trump's base isn't big enough to win a general election. But my god the reaction and commentary from the talking heads. "This is the end of democracy" "boycott CNN" etc etc. He's the fucking frontrunner for the Republican party. His voice is going to get out no matter if it's on CNN or Fox or independent media. You can't think deplatforming works at that level. And it just makes the MSM look less trustworthy. More democracy includes interviewing people you dislike.
  17. Put it this way.. sealed Nintendo games will never drop in value https://www.ebay.ca/itm/185868309627?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=c5YZJJ-ETje&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=wh4iiiv5re2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY They are selling 400-500 now. I got ripped off haha
  18. Lol I sold my sealed copy of windwaker for 300 bucks
  19. Looks like I'm buying a digital and physical copy to keep sealed 😔
  20. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/pa/pennsylvania_desantis_vs_kennedy-8177.html Kennedy beating DeSantis in a head to head
  21. Honestly surprised it took this long If he is found guilty and the GOP makes him resign then i hope they do the same for Trump if he becomes president and is then found guilty of criminal charges. Otherwise they are just hypocrites. And what Trump is accused of doing is far worse than the hilarity of George Santos.
  22. https://www.bandlab.com/post/dbf61596-d6ee-ed11-9f73-6045bd31b578 Cybernetic Creatures vs Analog Animals
  23. He has always been but his base doesn't give a fuck.
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