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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I watched M3gan last night. Omfg was not expecting it to be good lol.
  2. The difference here is the amount of press and morbid curiosity this brings. Can you really not see the difference?
  3. I've never disliked Baldwin. His Trump impersonation is probably one the best out there and I like many of his movies. And yet that is completely irrelevant.
  4. Nice to know you're ok with it. Movie studio profits are fucking super important to you.
  5. I know he didn't and he should have. Assange probably had dirt on him
  6. That music is so fucking bad though. Ugh
  7. Yeah usually that doesn't involve the star, writer and producer shooting and killing one of the crew members.
  8. What does this even mean and what the fuck are you talking about? Disengenous about what exactly?
  9. Your post isn't even relevant to what I posted so wtf so you want me to reply with?
  10. Ive always cared about Assange dipshit. I made a thread saying Trump needs to pardon him.
  11. Oh I know it's a shit hole country. So is Ukraine. Both are incredibly corrupt horrible places. I just don't get why we care about Ukraine so much? Did we care when Russia invaded Afghanistan or Georgia? No. Also who blew up the Nordstream pipeline?
  12. It's strange how you suddenly believe left wing media when it comes to the war in Ukraine after they spent years peddling fake Russian interference story. Do you not think the media is now trained to just be anti Russia propaganda at every turn? Remember Russians were killing American soldiers in Afghanistan ? Lol no Remember the Russian Pee tape? Lol no The steel dossier? Lol no Not to mention all the COVID shit they lied about 🤣 But now suddenly all the reporting is accurate when it comes to a country fighting Hilary Clinton and t
  13. Wanting more democracy is now right wing Lmao
  14. So how did you feel about press freedom day and Biden completely ignored Assange? Any comments?
  15. Lmao if you think Christian conservative colleges are relevant. What does that make up? 10% maybe? And even still does that make them MAGA?
  16. Lmao when have I ever said that? They have every fucking right to defend themselves. Is a prolonged war the best course of action if they want to have any men left in their country? Probably not. Peace negotiations are how wars usually end. Fighting to the last man is not going to win Ukraine the war.
  17. You're telling me if it were Ukraine invading Russia you'd be pro Russia woop woop People who are not warmongers are willing to talk about peace negotiations .. you know.. to save human lives? That's kind of important right?
  18. In fact Ive never seen you criticize a single thing Biden has done... OR any democrat for that matter. You are such an extreme partisan shill. You're gross.
  19. Are you going to play dumb now and not actually respond to anything? Why don't you call out the excesses on the left? Still waiting gouk.
  20. Twinblade and his warmongering bullshit is a bad side to him. It's strange you share that with a conservative.
  21. Any reason why you don't call out the far left bullshit gouk?
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