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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. They will be saving over 200 million on their taxes because of this lawsuit. So ultimately it's closer to 500 million. Still a lot but it's just proof that corporations and rich people can use the tax code in a way regular people can't
  2. Just saw this on Twitter. Trump is not an incumbent, he lost the last election and should absolutely debate the other candidates. But it might actually be better if he doesn't and they do a debate without him. It makes him look weak if he can't defend his platform on stage.
  3. And for the record. There should be debates on both sides every time. If they are going to bother with primaries for an incumbent then they should have debates. Otherwise what's the point of the primary votes?
  4. I was paying a lot more attention to the democrat side because I am on the left and wanted trump to lose. Or do you have false memories about me being a "Trump supporter" lmao
  5. I didn't say a word about it because I wasn't following it. And now that I look back at it it wouldn't even had made a slight bit of difference. Trump was incredibly popular in the republican base, and his challengers were at 0%. The difference this time is over 50% of democrats do not want Biden to run and his challengers have significant support. I said the DNC wouldn't allow a debate and I was right. Why the fuck are you crying so hard?
  6. Yes. Everytime. Stop using digital blackface you chronic racist.
  7. I don't fucking care what the norm is. Just because something is the norm doesn't make it right. Gay marriage was against the norm, women not voting was the norm..are you going to really play the norms game?
  8. So you're fine with less democracy. Got it.
  9. So do you guys want debates or no? Are you going to answer? I don't give a shit if 54 of 58 or whatever didn't have them. Joe Biden is unpopular, the DNC can allow the debates but won't. Do you support this ?
  10. Well they already said no debates. So we have already seen.
  11. The ones that primaries Trump were polling at 0% And yes Joe Biden should be primaried, especially since the majority of democrats don't want him to run again. Is that not democracy ? Anyone the Dems put up will beat Trump this time around. He is overwhelmingly unpopular for a general election.
  12. Tulsi Gabbard is going to take his spot
  13. I haven't played them. Is it worth the time and money? Do I need to play the first one to enjoy the 2nd?
  14. Since you're so adamant on defending the status quo of mediocrity and corruption, do you think there should be debates? Especially considering a majority of democrats do not want Joe Biden to run again?
  15. Looks like you were trying to spell incompetent
  16. The ones challenging Trump had 0% support. RFK is at 15% and Williamson is at 7% and 51% of democrats do not want Biden to run again. Tell me you have a problem with a debate and why. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3965267-majorities-dont-want-biden-trump-to-run-in-2024-survey/ But but democracy is under attack!!! 😭 Fuck off fake ass shit fuck
  17. Lmao I called it. And here's goukosan to defend the anti democratic actions of the DNC. Lmao what a fucking tool
  18. Nice one. I'm a fake piece of shit because the DNC won't allow anyone to debate the annointed one? You're the fucking fake piece of shit. You pretend to care about democracy but when your party does undemocratic shit like this your totes Kool with it. Hypocrit.
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