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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You think he worked for the Russians!? Bahahahha he fucking worked for the US central command retard 😭🤣😂😅
  2. Meaning he knows most about the situation than Twinblade. Or are you saying he worked for the Russians? 🤣
  3. Biased? It's written by American diplomats. David H. Rundell is a former chief of mission at the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia and the author of Vision or Mirage, Saudi Arabia at the Crossroads. Ambassador Michael Gfoeller is a former political advisor to the U.S. Central Command and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
  4. The defenders of democracy strike again.
  5. I would very much love for Ukraine to win but it's just not possible. https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/04/22/ukraine-cant-win-this-war/ Nearly half the population has fled the country, they simply don't have the man power for an extended war. This spring offensive will be the last one they can muster.
  6. You sound like a MSNBC talking head. "Repeating Russian propaganda" lmao One country has 145 million, the other has less than 40. No it's called being a realist. You treat this like it's a Battlefield 2023. What are Russia's goals? To take over the entire country? The only way Ukraine can win is if other countries join but they won't unless we really want ww3 over the Donbas region. A place I know you don't give a shit about, but you hate Russia as much as Hillary Clinton. It's too bad, we were making progress with Russia in the early 2000s and the
  7. Yes it's a picture of Ukrainians. You can go look at the statitists and demographics. There is no way Ukraine is going to hang on to Luhansk and Donetsk. This is what it is going to come down to. They are both 70% Russian and will not remain in Ukraine. Is it worth letting 10s of thousands more Ukrainians die to keep these areas?
  8. It's a war of attrition and Ukraine is losing. They don't have the manpower to sustain an indefinite war. Yes it's shitty, yes it's terrible, yes it's a fact.
  9. Your government has already told us that is what they are doing Goukosan. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/25/politics/biden-administration-russia-strategy/index.html Did I say they are the victim dipshit? It's an alterior motiv for supporting Ukraine.
  10. It's been a pretty lacklustre gen so far. Last gen booted the previous gen off pretty quickly. But with each generation we get diminishing returns.
  11. Do you guys think Ukraine is going to beat Russia? Honestly?
  12. It's probably too late now but they could have negotiated and Russia could have paid Ukraine for the Donbas region. The majority of people there don't even want to be in Ukraine so why let 10s of thousands of patriotic Ukrainians die to keep unpatriotic Russian lovers in Ukraine? If America was french and they invaded Quebec because the majority of the people there were french and didn't want to be in an English country I wouldn't want tens of thousands of Canadians dying to stop that. It doesn't make sense. We would negotiate. I wouldn't want Canadians to die to keep people wh
  13. I've. Never. Said. Surrender. To. Russia. What I am saying is land in eastern Ukraine occupied by majority ethnic Russians is not worth hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives. But apparently you think land is worth more than life. But we all know why the US is involved anyway. It's to weaken Russia and Putin. It's all a fucking game and Ukraine is the pawn.
  14. Which means no negotiations ever? Are you seriously one of these fight till the last Ukrainians kind of people? Or should the US send troops? You are a ridiculous person
  15. Let's just never negotiate, never talk, and wait for every single man in Ukraine to be dead. Great plan guys.
  16. Fuck peace. I love some war and death. Emirite?
  17. Splatoon is turning into Nintendo's COD. It's likely they could have another one ready for launch. Splatoon 2015 Splatoon 2 2017 Splatoon 3 2022 Splatoon 4 could be early 2024
  18. What does Trump have to do with how the DNC operates and treats Democratic candidates? We all know the primaries were rigged. They admitted it. Also Tulsi should have been allowed in the final debate but they changed the rules on the fly. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/3/3/21164007/tulsi-gabbard-debate-super-tuesday-delegate-american-samoa https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/ https://jeffmelton.medium.com/rigged-how-the-corporate-democrats-thwarted-progressiv
  19. If they can rig it against Bernie they will rig it against anyone.
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