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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Is the DNC going to allow RFK and Williamson to debate Biden? Since democracy is so important and all that right?
  2. I hear it's pretty easy to vote down there.
  3. Theres been a lot of these rage shootings lately. The kid that got shot for ringing the wrong doorbell The cheerleaders that were shot for getting in the wrong car The young woman shot for turning her car around in someone's driveway (dead)
  4. Still don't get how I can be self hating for being against the trans radical movement. They aren't LGB. They are deconstructing biology. We have nothing in common. To be trans is to be anti gay. It's pretty much conversion therapy to tell a young gay boy/man that he's actually just a woman which is why he has feminine tendencies. Same goes for young girls and women.
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/20/media/buzzfeed-news-shuts-down/index.html
  6. I checked out his platform. Other than being completely anti vax I agree with everything else. I don't agree with mandating vaccines at all but some of them have been incredibly good for humanity. The COVID one is something else.
  7. https://www.levernews.com/fox-can-claim-tax-writeoff-for-defamation-settlement/ And the tax payers are paying for it the things big businesses get to do while the little guy gets screwed everytime. Reminds me of when Pfizer was sued for 2.3 billion. They still made massive profits off the drugs that killed thousands and then was able to write off most of the settlement.
  8. I have nothing against LGBt people. It's activist authoritarianism I despise. Live your life. Be your authentic self. Leave me the fuck alone, stop changing language and discourse to suit yourselves, And stop transing children who have no idea what they will be when they grow up.
  9. Here let me explain to you why are a self hating black. Oh no, I'm not black and don't know what it's like so I won't bother. Stop your "ally" bullshit and fuck off already.
  10. It's interesting being lectured to about gayness by a straight man. Love it. Keep it up sweetie.
  11. Goukosan. The movement has won. It's over. There's no need to keep pushing, keep antagonizing, keep undermining the things we have gained by pissing off the rest of the population. That's the thing I can't stand about career activists. They will never quit, even when there is nothing left to fight for. All they end up doing is creating animosity and resentment. Same thing happened with feminism. Once we were all equal under the law they kept going and then you end up MRAs and Incels as a form of resentment. Take the W and get back to living your own life rather than advocating for someone else
  12. He thinks that if I don't agree with having 4 million genders, 2 spirit indians, gays, bisexuals and lesbians, transgenders and queers all in a "community", I must hate myself. First of all some of those are sexual attractions. And the others don't believe in sexual biology at all so how can they even be a community?
  13. A Bowser runs Nintendo of America. A Bowser stole from Nintendo and a Bowser runs a shitty crime filled dump called Washington.
  14. Why not just wait to release it until it's ready? What a concept.
  15. Make a new thread if you would like to talk about fox news.
  16. What a fucking cunt. 100% corporatist dem. Doesn't give a shit about the middle class or poor people. The pretends to care about things that make no difference to the Democrats.
  17. If anorexic people started claiming their disorder was a gender would you support them starving themselves to death?
  18. It's mentally illness and you promote it like it's a lifestyle and identity.
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