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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/louisville-shooting-active-aggressor-police/
  2. Cooke

    Trans genocide

    Were they killed because they were trans or because it's america and lots of people get murdered?
  3. Most conservatives were pro any war possible.
  4. Oh yeah affordable space adventures on WiiU was amazing. Wish they would port it to switch.
  5. Dead Cells Hades Katana Zero Hollow Knight Into the Breach My top 5
  6. Honestly they should have done 1-5 and given 6 special treatment. Remake it on the Octopath engine.
  7. I guess if it had the proper controls attached it would be better. And connecting controllers to your phone and then you gotta reconnect to your console after. It's kind of annoying.
  8. They need to open it up to other stores so people can get more value out of it.
  9. So they are copyong the WiiU but you can take it anywhere?
  10. Isolation is unnerving. It should be used for a horror or survival game
  11. Metroid or Zelda would have made a much more interesting movie
  12. A Soviet coal mining ghost town on Svalbard Norway in the Arctic. Looks so creepy
  13. I guess that would make sense, it could share games with the PS5. It would be like an accessory to the console.
  14. Cooke

    Trans genocide

    Don't you think claiming a genocide when one doesn't exist makes people really not care and hurt their movement? Everything is too the max with them. It's either accept me or I'm literally dead
  15. Cooke

    Trans genocide

    What is this about? Who is killing trans people? The biggest killer of trans people is themselves. 50% suicide rate they claim. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_killed_for_being_transgender 15 murdered since 2020 in the ENTIRE WORLD. And half of them in shithole Puerto Rico.
  16. You're definition of a game changer is shinier puddles. And also wtf is that shit?
  17. Also much bigger countries with much bigger populations. The UK is 4 countries by the way 😉
  18. Lol it's a little easier on an island without land crossings into another country.
  19. I downloaded it on gamepass but have yet to boot it up
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