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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. No. There are some. But it's a tiny %. Then all of a sudden it's everywhere and everyone knows multiple trans people. Yet you go to any non western country and they are virtually non existent. A large part of it is social contagion and this new trans ideology than doctors are more than happen to reinforce because it's extremely profitable.
  2. This is becoming more common at an alarming rate.
  3. You seem to take everything to an 11. Do you not think physically altering a child's body with chemicals and surgeries that leaves them sterilizated and basically castrated and unable to feel sexual pleasure should be the absolute final option? Shouldn't a child or even adult have more than 3 sessions with a therapist before they are affirmed to go down the route of no return ? How is it "caring" to nudge an autistic girl towards trans surgery when really it's just an emotional thing that they may get over with proper therapy? How is it "caring" to take a
  4. Of course I know what an involuntary celibate is. Men feeling they are unnatrative to women. Well how do you get a liberal woman to fawn over you? Become trans! It's all the rage!
  5. It's campaign finance violations. It's a legitimate question to ask why no one in the Bush admin was charged for lying to Congress to start a war in Iraq resulting in a million dead people. Wouldn't you like to know why too? Or is Trump the only bad president ever?
  6. If we have 2k phones playing somewhat graphically intensive games for years now why wouldn't the switch 2 have 1080p? Not saying i care all that much but it's definitely feasible
  7. I'm literally making fun of Christians comparing Trump to Jesus. And somehow goukosan thinks that's a defense of Trump
  8. Hoooooooly fuck goooook. That was not a defense of Trump. You are so fucking deranged I'm making fun of Christians comparing Trump to Jesus. Christ you dumb kid. 😂
  9. That's too bad. Was hoping for another Ridge Racer reveal.
  10. Like all the heteronormativity and cis relationships just makes me want to vomit in my mouth! And Gunther? Is he supposed to be the LGBTQ2SQI#4 representation? Another CIS white male!?
  11. She's unqualified because everything she says is just completely nonsense. She talks to adults like they are children. She speaks in long run on sentences that have zero meaning. She's disliked by everyone, even black people. She's basically an empty pant suit.
  12. I already made my point dumbass. The point is if Biden dies (which is highly likely given his age) Harris, the first woman, and first woman of color to be president would be a complete embarrassment to women in general. Why didn't he pick Warren? She's a woman of color too right? I know he couldn't pick Tulsi cause she was too anti war.
  13. Just commenting on your overuse of black face emojis. Racist.
  14. I'll wait for it to be on streaming somewhere. I have an 85" tv and Atmos 6.1.2
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