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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Lol the gun does nothing without the nutjob welding it.
  2. You only pay attention to crime by white men. What does that say about you Remy?
  3. Aren't you for castration and sterilization over mental health therapy for gender dysphoria? You sick fuck.
  4. A top to bottom remake of the first 2 is all that is necessary.
  5. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/nashville-christian-school-shooting-1.6792292 How it's covered in Canadian media. "The assailant" "The shooter" "The suspect" Not once naming who did it or telling us anything about them. But this is how CBC covered the Uvalde shooting https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/texas-elementary-shooting-1.6464315 "Gunman" "He" And gives us the name
  6. Probably wouldn't have done it if she wasn't on testosterone
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nashville-christian-school-shooter-appears-former-student-police-chief-rcna76876 3 children and 3 adults dead and shooter dead at scene. Not sure why they are calling this person a woman when their linked in profile and instagram says he/him. Fucking transphobes.
  8. That's what it is. This shouldn't even be happening. It will only embolden Trump and his followers. If anything drop that charges and focus on the much more serious one in Georgia.
  9. It's really telling you guys think it's a defense of Trump to ask why Bush was never charged for lying to start an illegal war that resulted in a million deaths but Trump can potentially be charged for an accounting error. That is some full on fucking TDS. Thought you guys were on the left. But I guess war mongering has become a left wing virtue now.
  10. Genesis was awesome and so was vectorman. Eat poo Dilan
  11. How did I defend him in this thread Gouk? You are so fucking shitty at gaslighting. At least try.
  12. You think disability access is what equity is?
  13. Or they could cut something else. It was used as an example of what would could be cut. There was no bill to cut border patrol.
  14. im sorry you were gaslit. Cenk knows Equity is a stupid idea and thats why he's for equality which I always have been. If equity doesn't exist then why did zwarrior post that childish cartoon promoting it? Why do so many far left progressives want it? If it doesn't exist what the fuck is DEI? diverist EQUITY and inclusion. So its fake? Its not real?
  15. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-republicans-call-cutting-border-patrol-agents-1789250 False. Republicans have not directly called for the cutting of border agents; rather, budgetary plans submitted by the conservative wing of Republican lawmakers would, according to the White House, create budget cuts that would lead to the loss of 2,000 border staff positions. However, the House Freedom Caucus, which made the proposals, dismissed the Biden administration's criticisms.
  16. Equity is a car more invasive proposition than equality will ever be. Also you're frienda are waking up
  17. Lmao, I saw it on The Hill's twitter feed. Their reaction was the same as mine. Upper class white liberal woman whining too much democracy is a threat to democracy.
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