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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. The desperation to not blame the Wuhan lab for this is hilarious. STOP LYING
  2. Did you see anyone freak out when Trump was primaried in 2020? Is she honestly worried about Marrianne Williamson? Are you? Who cares about norms? Democracy is about representing the people. And if the people want something better they have every right to support that other option. Her framing is ridiculous and so are you.
  3. Funny her name is politicsgirl.. because she has the literal brain power of a 12 year old girl.
  4. There's been a concerted effort to find something on Trump since the election campaign began in 2015. If only that much effort went into arresting a mass murdering shitfuck like Bush.. but no he's buddies with Ellen and Michelle Obama.
  5. Here is a fictional story based on your request: Jack was an avid gamer who loved to explore different worlds and scenarios in his virtual reality headset. He had played countless games, from fantasy to sci-fi, from horror to romance. But his favorite genre was historical adventure, especially anything related to pirates. He had always dreamed of sailing the high seas, plundering ships, fighting battles, and living by his own code of honor. He had read every book and watched every movie about pirates he could find. He knew all the famous names: Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, Henry M
  6. With over a million dead? Can someone square this circle for me? Also why wasn't Hilary arrested for using campaign funds to fund the Steele dossier? An $8000 fine? Lol Not saying Trump shouldn't face a penalty for his crime but let's call a spade a spade here.
  7. 250000000 sorry lol. Calculator doesn't go that high. Perhaps shoveling the poo from the sidewalks should be first priority
  8. It's you that's being dishonest, or just plain dumb. What is the difference between Equality and Equity Remy. I want your defintion.
  9. Pretty sure i had the same receiver. It lasted 15 years. I picked up a Yamaha rx-a850 7.1 Atmos 4k receiver for 100 bucks used on Facebook market place. It's been great.
  10. You must watch a lot of tucker to know all his talking points. Maybe look inward Gouk.
  11. If equity isn't holding people back why are colleges and universities denying more qualified Asians students? Why are advanced education classes being removed in highschools? It's you that needs to expand their world view. And it's funny you keep bringing up Tucker Carlson.. who I don't fucking watch. But keep playing that card, really makes your argument strong. How do you feel about the San Francisco proposition to give all black residents 5 million dollars, all debt abolished and a house for 1 dollar? Is that equality or equity? I wonder if they
  12. Once again you have proven you don't know the difference between equity and equality. Equality is giving everyone the same opportunity to succeed without judgement of sexuality, race, background, or any other surface or immutable difference. Equity is ensuring the outcome of every scenario is the same for everyone. But how do we do that without social engineering and removing self determination, and allowing the best and brightest of society succeed beyond the rest of us? Do we hold Asians back because they are too good at math? Do we hold Indian immigrants back because they seem
  13. The fact you don't know the difference between equity and equality is really quite telling
  14. I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the UI. There's still months to fix that. Hopefully they are listening to feedback
  15. So you like equality. Cool me too. So how about that equity thing?
  16. Explain. Please. Tell me how I'm lacking semblance of self awareness Gouk. Please.
  17. You guys have such a childish and naive view of how society works.
  18. What's the solution? More guv'ment? Define equity goukosan and how it should be implemented.
  19. We live in a free society. If you no longer wish to have a free society and have equity then say it. With a free society comes equality. Everyone judged equally and given the same opportunity to succeed. No it's not perfect, but it's the best the world has ever known. Equity is 1984 bullshit that will destroy society. Progress will cease because what's the incentive to do better? Why try? What's the point?
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