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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. I've never posted anything from Tucker Carlson you knob
  2. I don't have cable. I don't watch MSM news whatsoever.
  3. Y'all want equity? North Korea is a fine example of it in action.
  4. Why would we enact, force and ensure it? You're talking about social programming Remy. I knew you were authoritian but this is a new level.
  5. You're describing equality. Equity is a school removing advanced learning classes for gifted children to better themselves so they can all be equally average and not make the less gifted kids feel bad. Equity is racial quotas for Universities and the workforce. Equity is Pete Buttigeg, the most incompetent secretary of transportation the US has ever seen.
  6. Real talk, why do you associate with someone who hates your race?
  7. You really can't bring yourself to say its ok to be a white person. The racism is real. It's ok to be black Remy. It really is. Now return the favor.
  8. Say it in the literal sense Remy. Not some 4chan stupid meme.
  9. Yet you still won't fuck a tranny and say it's ok to be white. You racist transphobe you. Doesn't white supremacist mean white people are supreme to all other races? I don't believe that. I believe in equality of races. You on the other hand believe in equity which is racist and demeaning.
  10. Considering how nice Links Awakening looks, A WW remake would be great.
  11. Rogue Leader and Eternal Darkness next please.
  12. I dunno man. You sound like an indoctrinated bubble chambered liberal. You are basically saying all conservatives are Nazis. To me Nazism is a very specific thing. A real Nazi definitely wouldn't follow a Jew and black woman. Shapiro is always talking about Israel and Orthodox Judaism. That is not something a Nazi would ever subject themselves to. And you know why you don't see skinheads very much anymore? Because theres even less Nazis now than there were in the 90s. Society has actually gotten better, I know it's hard to look back at progress but it is a vastly different world
  13. Who the fuck would know Bane from the dark knight movie is Latino? And i just did a little research now. His father is white and mother is Latino. So how does that make him Latino? Is Nick Fuentes the white supremacist Latino? And there is no mention of Juan Rico being phillipino in the book. He should have been played by a Latino. But yeah keep digging shit up from the 90s
  14. It's interesting you keep picking obscure shit to make a point i already agree with 😂
  15. How would I know Melvin Lipschitz is Hispanic?
  16. Who said i could describe woke? It's pretty simple. It's seeing the world through the lens of oppression. It's taken on many more meanings though. CRT has been added to it, anything LGBTQ15x29fy#. Woke was destroyed when wealthy white people started using it to talk down to people. Virtue signalling, doing the easiest thing without ever sacrificing anything for the cause. Now it has become a toxic word because of its constant cynical use by corporate media, big business, white liberals, and government. It's easy to throw up a BLM or pride flag up. It's hard to increase corporate
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