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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. You don't feel you've made the word lose all meaning if you use the word like that? Why would Nazis listen to an orthodox Jew and a black woman? Did you forget Nazis hate Jews and blacks?
  2. It's like 5 years old. Too slow now
  3. My last blackberry was the Key2 and it was an amazing phone. I miss it 😢 it was sexy
  4. Nazi sounds scarier. Just use that.
  5. Did you think ancient Egyptians were Arab Muslims Gouk? 🤣
  6. Figures you would post an account that displays their pronouns 🤣
  7. It's a catch all word like "alt right".
  8. Johnny Rico was white? I read the book like 20 years ago and thought he was Argentinian..(Latino). Don't remember anything about the Philippines other than him saying a line in Tagalog.. but that doesn't mean much. Mat Hardy the wrestler? Lol What "tons of movies about Egypt?" We are talking about changing the race of the characters in remakes and reboots of movies. Unless there was some Egyptian movie that was redone I'm not sure what you're talking about. Also, do you even know what race Egyptians were before Arabs colonized egypt in 630AD?
  9. At least watch all of No Country and The Departed.
  10. CODA made less than 2 million at the box office. Granted it was Covid but still that is by far the lowest by a wide margin.
  11. There's no audio. It was made for deaf musicians
  12. Apparently it's subjective. Just because you say it's a false equivalency doesn't make it so. There are similar parallels. It is a true equivalency.
  13. Yeah, Bob Ross invented the afro. That's what I'm saying Remy.
  14. In which i agreed that the casting was terrible?
  15. would you rather a legal deal giving away territory or a war that kills hundreds of thousands and flattens cities and towns?
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