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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Perhaps they need to reduce regulatory hurdles so smaller companies can manufacture it and put pricing pressure on the near monopoly Eli Lily has. Also to say inflation has nothing to do with it is wrong. Of course it does. It affects the price of raw goods and transportation. In my work the fuel cost increase has caused massive increases on our supply chain.
  2. I swear you live in a shoe box without a tv or internet sometimes. You're own fucking government said that dummy. Which is why natural immunity was never considered as part of the vaccine passport. Out government did that too. But in many European countries, they counted a prior infection as equivalent to being vaccinated. But here apparently we are too stupid to follow that idea. Instead just keep pumping vaccines into us even if we don't need them.
  3. The costs of everything are increasing. But insulin prices in the US increased far beyond the rate of inflation. I'm simply asking if they gave some sort of reason for it. Clearly you can't have a simple discussion without being an ass.
  4. That's good news. Why were the prices jumping that high in the first place? Did they ever give a reason for it? Insulin isn't exactly a new drug with high R&D costs.
  5. Wonderful analysis jehurey. We were told natural immunity didn't exist.. that was a lie We were told the virus could only come from nature... That was a lie. We were told masking would help flatten the curve.. that was a lie. We were told keeping kids out of school and remote learning wouldn't hurt them.. that was a lie We were told COVID spread on surfaces... That was a lie We were told ivermectin was dangerous and people were overdosing on it... That was a lie We were sold the vaccines prevented tran
  6. Where's the fighting game video?
  7. It's obviously a social contagion kind of scenario. It's all girls, and girls at that age are highly impressionable.
  8. Why can't you converse like a real person and not a NPR chat bot or something?
  9. What's the point? Things were getting better, then this DEI shit happened and now relations have regressed. Why do you think that is?
  10. She's a stupid bitch with a GED inbred mother fucker.
  11. You hate whites and he hates blacks. Now you're even
  12. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)02465-5/fulltext https://www.mercatus.org/research/working-papers/indoor-vaccine-mandates-and-covid-19 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/george-mason-study-finds-no-evidence-that-vaccine-mandates-in-major-cities-reduced-covid-19-cases/ar-AA17QYFI?ocid=Peregrine
  13. Like you're the authority on verifying studies jehurey lmao
  14. Ok.. woke is a religion without a god. It has commandments, it guilt shames, it's a system of beliefs not based on reality and science. You are a religious zealot.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/26/politics/covid-lab-leak-wuhan-china-intelligence/index.html How fucking dare they think it came from a laboratory that works with the exact same type of virus that started the pandemic instead of saying it came from a filthy Chinese animal cruelty market. Disgusting! Shameful! RAAASCIST!!!
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