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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/fuck-you-you-fat-headed-roald-dahl-censoring-fuckers I hate the new religious left. You are starting to act like fucking evangelical christians.
  2. I still go into stores that have plastic barriers up at the cashier's but with holes for you to talk through. Like what the fuck do they even think that is supposed to do? 😂
  3. I'd rather play it on gamepass than pay 80 bucks for a mediocre game woth marginally better performance that you won't notice
  4. I have a decent 100mbs steady connection and the video quality is always shitty and glitchy. I've tried it on the S and on my pixel 7 and it's the same. Giant pixels and screen tearing and resolution drops to 240p. Which is weird cause I have a couple cloud games on Switch and they run nearly flawlessly. Anyone actually get a game to run well on Xbox cloud?
  5. My physical copy delayed to March 27 lol. Not that I care too much, it's staying sealed.
  6. He's letting his opposition take advantage of the Ohio rail situation though. Perhaps he should have done that first. Also how's the war going? I see you all have lost interest in posting war updates. I guess the novelty has worn off
  7. What on earth would make you say that? You know it's the exact opposite and Newsom is giving Tesla massive incentives to come back right? Tesla is playing both states against each other. Also it says right there the corporate hq is remaining in Texas . 😅
  8. That's not how trends work goukosan. It's escalating far faster in the younger generation. There isn't an epidemic of old ladies claiming to be trans or non binary. It's the youth. 5% of youth and kids are now identifying as trans, non binary, gender fluid or whatever else is fashionable. Yes I was exaggerating the number. But compared to 10 years ago that's a 100x increase. Where does it go from here? So right now 5 in 100 children are born in the wrong body. Does that not seem a little high to you? Or is it just affirm at all costs regardless of the destruction of their lives i
  9. Really? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-10/nearly-43-of-trans-people-are-younger-than-age-25-report-finds How far does this go? And when will you think something might be wrong? You honestly think without a doubt that social contagion is not playing a role and this is all perfectly normal?
  10. I don't hate trans people. I feel bad for them. To think a quarter of our population (only in the west) are now born in the wrong body. We need to get to the bottom of this epidemic of people not wanting their genitalia.
  11. Ok now can they just eliminate battle.net? I'd like to be able to easily play games on Steam. Or at least make a Linux version of it.
  12. I've had this on my phone for weeks.. its kinda fun in 10 minute bursts. Why is it being announced now? Lol
  13. Imagine this being made today. This episode is 20 years old now
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