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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Machine Head kind of did both but metal and thrash metal. When they went back to thrash i felt it was a million times more engaging. Nu metal really didn't age well. It's too simple and the lyrics are usually corny.
  2. Who cares? Pixel7 pro is phone of the year 2022. Also why the fuck does the OS take 50gb on Samsung phones and only 16gb on pixel? Lol so much bloat
  3. I'm finally watching Westworld. Finished the first season last night. Was fucking awesome
  4. To think they could have given the same treatment to Golden Eye makes me sad. Fuck you MS
  5. I wish they did an orchestrated soundtrack. It sounds better but it could be even better.
  6. Honestly i didn't think prime looked that good in the trailer. But when I started playing it it looked really good. I will hold judgement on Zelda.
  7. Cooke


    That actually draws attention to how shitty your healthcare system is. It's short sighted by your country to not just help these people for free and then they can be more productive tax paying citizens rather than disabled and struggling.
  8. Looks so much better than it did in the direct
  9. It definitely looks a lot better than just the original in higher res. And the controls are definitely better.
  10. Pikmin 4 Advance Wars Metroid Prime remastered out today Baten Kaitos remastered Zelda Octopath 2 demo out today New Bayonetta prequel
  11. I guess it really depends on the budget for the game.
  12. No not really.. Better to strike while they are hot. If they wait too long people will lose interest in Nintendo and move to Sony or MS. If they release while Switch is still popular is will only continue demand. There needs to be a new console next year at the latest.
  13. That's probably what it started out as but got too big
  14. I'm happy with it being on switch and concluding that style of Zelda. Then do something fresh on the next system.
  15. I'd be happy now if they moved prime 4 to a switch 2 launch game and spent another year making it perfect.
  16. is metroid out now?? im getting that right now
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