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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.newsweek.com/its-time-scientific-community-admit-we-were-wrong-about-coivd-it-cost-lives-opinion-1776630 Interesting opinion for those that think government can do no wrong.
  2. My gp ultimate expires next month. Not sure if I'm gonna renew. Pretty shitty selection of games.
  3. 9 Celsius here and a windstorm
  4. Oh the "dumbest".. yeah I'm quite certain that's not accurate.
  5. Yup Americans on average are the dumbest people in the western world
  6. Debunk it then. Saying it doesn't make it so Twinblade. I expect a little more effort than that.
  7. So you support the ethnic cleansing of eastern Ukraine ? You get your views from Rachel Maddow, what could we possibly expect...
  8. You guys know how Iran has no gay people because they forcibly transition people if they are gay? Everyone was horrified when they heard that. Now when children show some tomboyish or girly behavior that isnt stereotypical for that sex immediately they are trans and on the path to drugs and surgery. Strange how we have come full circle.
  9. so Humans are the only mammal that are now 25% born into the wrong body?
  10. It's not a hierarchy dumb ass. Homosexual behavior exists in all mammals. Is there a reported case of a dog gnawing off it's cock cause it thinks it's a bitch?
  11. How many trans people have you had sex with? If that number is 0 you are a transphobe. I'm sorry I don't accept body dysmorphia as a gender identity and ideology.
  12. Haven't seen a single screen shot but it's coming out feb 10th I believe.
  13. I am going to buy it for switch to punish myself and the JK haters
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