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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. That's a quarter of her 6th grade class. What percentage of humans do you think are born in the wrong body? 25%? 35%? 50%? Orrrrrrrr could the more likely scenario be that it's a social contagion ? Especially amongst girls. All 7 of these "trans" kids are female. What are the odds of that ? Probably next to zero. Fortunately they are still too young to have their boobs cut off and the ovaries removed and might change their mind. But with this new culture of "affirming cate" they don't want to even think that it might just be a phase. The doctors are just s
  2. If you can blame white people for practically all bad things on earth is that not systemic racism towards white people?
  3. Nazis were good. They were against the Russians and were pro Ukraine.
  4. Ok wait. Cause I'm not going to look for the thread to satisfy you jehurey.
  5. Is Jared kushner an elected official that makes laws that affect stock prices?
  6. Bill Gates admitted the vaccines weren't as good as we were told. They didn't and couldn't adapt them to new strains on a quick enough timeline. He admitted they don't prevent transmission or infection. They didn't end the pandemic like we were told. Therefore they are junk and overrated but big pharma still made billions on our tax dollars. Yay go big pharma! You won!
  7. That's woke nonsense and you know it. Humans are violent regardless of melanin
  8. Universal healthcare didn't stop Pfizer and moderna from making bank in Canada too.
  9. Obviously black men have no free will and are only doing what their white masters desire.
  10. Not sure what I want to get it on.. but I will get it.
  11. Oh look what she did again! https://www.newsweek.com/odd-timing-nancy-pelosis-google-stock-sale-raises-concerns-1776635 Sells Google stock right before the DOJ sues Google.. she wouldn't have any insider info on that would she? Meanwhile the MSM is more concerned with fucking George Santos rather than actual corruption with hundreds of millions of dollars in profits on the line. How does a congresswoman making 175k a year become worth over 300 million? Apparently the left doesn't care about this kind of stuff anymore. The left just keeps cedin
  12. A pharmaceutical intervention is far more profitable than eating healthier and exercising.
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