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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Lol I bet you're happy Gates got richer off this junk . Scumbag gouk out defending corporate slime once again.
  2. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3828504-hawley-introduces-pelosi-act-banning-lawmakers-from-trading-stocks/ In honor of the fist female speaker of the house Josh Hawley introduces the Pelosi act to prevent insider trading in Congress. Lol the stars aligned for that name 😅
  3. Canada could sink into the ocean and it wouldn't make even a slight difference to the climate.. except the loss of billions of trees actually might be worse.
  4. A 50 million dollar contract? And he turned it down because it would be docked if he got demonitized on YouTube ? What a bitch.
  5. Lmao I saw this clip before.. is it actually in the show!?
  6. Their own statement proved his point. Wokies over analyze everything and try to find racism and discrimination and sexism in everything, even in fucking candy mascots 🤣. Like who thought changing her shoes and making her "less sexy" was being more inclusive? Why are they erasing sexyness for the sake of average? That's not more diverse, that's just making them all look the same. That's less diversity 🥹
  7. Only if you're an idiot that has no capability of understanding a timeline of events and needs to be spoon fed information like a toddler..
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/21/search-of-bidens-home-by-doj-finds-6-more-classified-documents.html
  9. since trans women are women. Awesome. ill be able to say im straight even though im still sucking dick!
  10. Why would this even be in a journal anyway? It's a timeline of factual events. It's not a study on the efficacy of vaccines.. By the way you do realize peer reviewed studies are incredibly flawed right? The group submitting the study only submits the data they want to be reviewed. They can omit as much negative data as they wish. The reviewers do not get access to all the information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1420798/ You guys treat it like it's the bible or something. When Pfizer sends it's data in for review they do not
  11. Waiting for the ice caps to melt reminds me of waiting for the second coming of Jesus. When the fuck is it happening??
  12. 10 million could have housed a couple dozen homeless
  13. Museums are cultural appropriation. Our major museum in Victoria was shut down because it had a display called "old town" which depicted Victoria in the early 1800's when the settlers arrived. It had a huge ship in it you could explore and all the old shops., i remember the smells and the sounds. it felt like being in a movie.. all destroyed now because of this retroactive history movement. Was one of my favorite things as a kid. Now its all torn down and yet another indigenous peoples display is going on. There is no history for white people anymore, its only indigenous people th
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