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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. He was ahead of his time. Now you're a transphobe if you don't want to have sex with a bearded man in a dress.
  2. https://www.bandlab.com/post/0cfca3e0-6495-ed11-9d7a-000d3a98096b Finished it
  3. BBC: More classified material found at Joe Biden's Delaware home. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64275373 They don't trust Fox News
  4. I think Blizzard should hire me for Diablo @kaz
  5. https://www.bandlab.com/post/e36c9533-2594-ed11-9d7a-000d3a98096b The Desert Moon 🌝
  6. Listen. I never said they would do it. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I understand the reaction from people. The left likes their virtue bandwagons and sometimes it's really hard for them to get off. CPSC can do it if they want. 5 years from now I can see it happening
  7. Goukosan - "just trust the government" You live under a fucking rock
  8. Lol just because they aren't announcing it now doesn't mean they won't. Why the rush? Why do you keep saying immediate? Is it cause you know it's going to happen down the road?
  9. No one is saying immediate ban. People with gas stoves love them. I wish I had one again, they are far superior. Seriously stop with your bullshit. You said no government agency was calling for a ban. I showed you one was. It's settled.
  10. Why do you keep saying immediate ban? Who is saying that? No one. Stop strawmanning gouk
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/09/business/gas-stove-ban-federal-agency/index.html A federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves, a source of indoor pollution linked to childhood asthma. Richard Trumka Jr., a US Consumer Product Safety commissioner, set off a firestorm this week by saying in an interview with Bloomberg that gas stoves posed a “hidden hazard” and suggested the agency could ban them. Trumka confirmed to CNN that “everything’s on the table” when it comes to gas stoves, but stressed that any ban would apply only to new gas stoves, not existing ones.
  12. I'm just letting you know that there may be bias in the study you posted. As you should look for bias and conflicts in all studies you read.
  13. No.. there's obviously not many rigorous large scale studies on gas stoves lol
  14. https://time.com/6246525/bivalent-booster-not-very-effective-paul-offit/ Data Doesn’t Support New COVID-19 Booster Shots for Most, Says Vaccine Expert
  15. And the study was funded by some carbon neutrality foundation. Just a slight conflict of interest How about making gas stoves that don't leak ?
  16. 500% more of basically zero risk is still nearly zero risk. And on top of that, covid is extremely age risk stratified. The risk for a 25 year old unvaccinated vs vaccinated is indistinguishable.
  17. Honestly, all presidents probably have some shit they shouldn't. Unfortunately they made such a huge deal out of it when Trump did it, now they can't really pretend this didn't happen.
  18. I think the move program was actually a pretty great idea and the people that bashed her for it are fucking morons.
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64244007 US President Joe Biden's aides have found a fresh batch of classified government records at a second location, in a growing political embarrassment for the White House. The first cache was found at a private office in Washington DC that Mr Biden used after his vice-presidency. The matter is under review by the US Department of Justice. Former President Donald Trump is facing a criminal investigation for allegedly mishandling classified files.
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