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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Omg The Menu is one of the best movies ive ever seen
  2. So basically you ONLY read and listen to media that is left of center and owned by massive corporations. you know NBC CBS AP and whoever else is also have youtube videos right? Should we stop watching their youtubes cause youtube is less reliable? This argument makes zero fucking sense. You know youtube pulls down or demonetizes misleading videos after they a reported right?
  3. Are you saying facts only exist in corporate news media? Do you need a list of things the MSM has gotten completely wrong recently? https://theintercept.com/2019/01/20/beyond-buzzfeed-the-10-worst-most-embarrassing-u-s-media-failures-on-the-trumprussia-story/ This doesn't even include the last 3 years.
  4. Lmao "far right". Always with the qualifiers. You don't know what far right is 🤣 So the fact I am no fat and take very good care of my body means I'm not conservative right? Also I live in one of the most liberal cities in the world, in Canada. Your american map is meaningless to me.
  5. Still waiting for someone to actually engage in the substance of what the videos are about. Not gonna happen is it? Fucking cowardous little rodents.
  6. You are such a fucking little slimeball. You make my skin crawl these kind of posts. Studies can and are often wrong and corrected years after the fact. And you know what, I'm not even sure what studies autistactic is even referring to.
  7. Don't be a complete knob. You know the media likes to play sides. That's why i go to independent media that isn't owned by massive corporations anymore. Wouldn't you prefer a little more transparency? Probably not
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6318428192112 Fox is the only major source that will cover it. This is what happens when you make a fucking pandemic political.
  9. Like who? CNN and MsNBC where 90% of their ad revenue is fucking pharmaceutical companies? Why would they report on their money train? They don't, they won't. They aren't even journalists anymore. And the sad thing is, this doesn't even bother you.
  10. No. Not even close. I have said many many times that i think people should get vaccinated. What I am and always was against is MANDATING a pharmaceutical product with no long term testing and vast amounts of proof it does little to prevent infection and spread. Which was the whole fucking point in mandating it the first place!!!
  11. Poor sources? The video is about a report from Alex Berenson, author and former NYT reporter.
  12. Just say you don't want to watch the report. That's all. You don't have to play this game with me. I get it. You're a covidian, fauci is god and pharma can do no wrong.
  13. Did you know that studies can end up being wrong? Even if reviewed by peers? Fyi, peer review is not some infallible gold standard of truth.
  14. This may be the dumbest reply I've ever read. Once again, you can't argue the substance, so you instead try to diminish the source or the subject by deflecting. Did you learn this from Jehurey or Remy? .
  15. More corruption and collusion from big pharma big tech, man, and government. And they wonder why we don't just "trust the science".
  16. The cat knocked the lid off the top and swatted the fish on the floor and watched them die. Cats are horrible creatures
  17. Do you think we should promote anorexia? Should we have billboards of people injecting heroin into their arms? Where does it end for you? All bodily harm is good?
  18. I'm not going to be nice to people who choose to fuck their children over by feeding them literal poison disguised as food. This shouldn't exist.
  19. There's a drug and a procedure and profits for every one of life's problems
  20. I had a couple dwarf puffer fish living with some sort of catfish type thing. It was cool, they are actually intelligent. They look right at you and tilt their head like a dog . Then my friends cat are them.
  21. It's quite simple remy. Don't promote obesity as some positive aspiration. Don't make it glamorous. We stopped doing that for cigarettes. We used to not do it for obesity. But something changed. For the absolute vast majority of obese it's a lifestyle choice. We need better education in schools teaching the harms of eating like an elephant. Not promoting fat lardos in lingerie. Healthy at any size is complete fucking bullshit. It's a lie, and you know what? It's not following the science.
  22. Why do you support people getting fat as fuck and dying an early death? Is that compassion? Just like the people who enable drug users to keep using more drugs and then dying on the streets. You all preach love and acceptance but it ends up in death and despair. Maybe some hard love is better.
  23. Also keeping my apartment nice and tidy too
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