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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. If he's getting conservatives to buy electric cars then it's probably a good thing.
  2. Where are her knees? Where are her ankles? Lmao stop normalizing this. It's disgusting and incredibly dangerous. https://hypebae.com/2023/1/parade-size-extension-re-play-undewear-launch-collection-release-info-where-to-buy .
  3. For the record I think anyone who is obese and or elderly should get vaccinated. But to have it mandated on children to attend school? Like in DC.. or college kids. Hell fucking no. There should never have been any talk of mandates and vaccine passports unless the pharma companies could prove it stopped the spread.
  4. It was something from the top on my head and it ended up being true 🤣. Literally anything is more dangerous to children than COVID has been. Follow the science though right?
  5. It really doesn't matter. My point was to highlight the exagerration people felt children were at risk from dying from covid based on zero evidence.
  6. You've added all age groups together. Thanks for the obvious info champ.
  7. Seriously, fisher price baby cribs that collapse have killed more babies than COVID has.
  8. It's interesting how this information is never mentioned when the government tells you to get a booster shot. People over 80 make up more deaths than all other age groups combined by a large margin. It would be different if the vaccine prevented infection and transmission. Why can't they just be honest?
  9. Its not really a club. It's just the political subforum
  10. Let me guess. A new mini fridge, controller for people without hands, and a beanbag chair.
  11. Lol my mom pretty much said that exact same thing to my sister who didn't want to get vaccinated
  12. Jan 6th was no joke. This is some scary stuff. Don't know about the stuff this guy is tweeting but the video is insane.
  13. Lol my super straight married religious friend is bi a fuck in the closet. I found out he had a secret boyfriend for over a year. I confronted him about it. He said he can't live as bi because his wife would leave him and take the kids but also can't control his urges. Not sure what to tell him other than he's fucked either way. Living a secret life never lasts and she's going to find out.
  14. Getting fired for "wrong think". -Sponsored by the rainbow people 🌈✨🌈✨🌈
  15. There are levels to wokeness. Ghandi knew what a man and woman are and wouldn't tell white people their racist because their white and shouldn't come to work because they are white and never used any stupid new daily invented pronouns. Mother Teresa wouldn't condone teenage girls chopping their breasts off at the first sign of being a Tom boy. MLK wasn't a racist.
  16. Yeah you are right. Woke people are generally bad at their jobs. And interestingly enough Weinstein and his wife lost their jobs as professors for not being woke enough. They came to work to teach but the student mobs wanted all white people to stay home that day because of woke reasons. Seriously get fucked Remy .
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