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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. But but the advocates and activists say forcing them into treatment would be harmful!! 😨 Letting them rot on the street is much more compassionate .
  2. Sad that he has to go on Tucker because no one in the mainstream media gives a shit about government controlling speech. By the way Trump administration did it too. But because the Biden administration doubled down on this behavior no one wants to talk about it.
  3. The US has extended the rule that non American air passengers must be vaccinated to enter the country. Unvaccinated Americans can enter. Unvaccinated non American can enter at land borders. Wtf is the science behind this? We know the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission and we know unvaccinated and vaccinated spread covid just the same
  4. Not really. S has a much better processor, much faster storage and faster ram. One X does have a more powerful GPU but it's games tend to target 30fps 4k instead of 60fps 1440/1080 which I prefer.
  5. Well at least he died doing what he loves rather than something boring like cancer 😒
  6. It won't be hard to beat PS4 with mobile tech in 2023/24. The current switch isn't even that far behind.
  7. The Switch pro controller is nearly perfect. The OS is simple and it plays games. What the fuck do you need out of an operating system?
  8. How many trans women have you had sex with? Cause clearly you're a bigot if you don't do it.
  9. I like the switch but I use it mostly docked.. Probably 80/20. I would definitely want a bigger focus on docked performance.
  10. A beard , tits, dick and makeup shouldn't be on the same body. It's very off putting.
  11. OK we get it. You love shit apps that suck the lives out of people and they become mindless goons like yourself.
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