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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. No. If you're using it for communicating that's not really a bad thing. The amount of data mining China is doing on our younger generations is also a concern, no?
  2. And it's extremely addictive. I see my nephews and nieces mindlessly staring at it for fucking hours. It's not good.
  3. Great input. Thank you for this.
  4. It was good but felt kinda long and redundant near the end.
  5. What are your thoughts? Even if it weren't owned by the ccp it's incredibly harmful and addictive for kids and young adults. I wish it would just go away.
  6. I guess you haven't heard............ MSM...... No one watches anymore. Why? Because they lie and continually try to sell a narrative to help the establishment.
  7. And sorry I don't follow a channel with 50k subscribers..
  8. My 2 fans @kaz and @-GD-X mind giving me some feedback on this last one?
  9. https://www.bandlab.com/post/d872b8a9-9081-ed11-9d7a-000d3a3eed2a The Collapse It's pretty epic imo
  10. Christmas stockings you German fuck
  11. Lol the wide angle shot makes it look like that
  12. By the time a new COD comes out Switch will be 7 years old. I'm pretty sure a new nintendo system will be out by then.
  13. https://www.bandlab.com/post/5137c738-d37d-ed11-9f5e-000d3a980004 This might be my best. It sounds huge with headphones
  14. I'm still happily using my 2060. Works great for a 1080p ultra wide 200hz monitor.. I easy get 90fps on Cold war at high settings
  15. Lmao he didn't specify it was parody!!! He abused his verification and mimicked another verified account making them indistinguishable to people who are not in know. Which is now, and was before, against TOS. You slimey mother fucker aren't winning this one 😂 . It's funny you would go to Ethan Klein of all people. He's a sack of shit with a diaper rash. Bahahahha
  16. And now Taylor Lorenz is doing it. Holy fuck all you suck so hard. Thought she was writing about herself at first. 😂
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