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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. It's about discrediting the Messenger instead of actually doing any sort of journalism. All MSM is doing is trying to attack instead of doing any sort of genuine reporting on the twitter files. Calling Taibbi "conservative" lmao the Washington post had to retract that article. And then the gaslighting on what shadow banning is. It's fucking pathetic.
  2. Why would I post a video for you to watch only to give you a line by line description of what she said? Your game sucks bud.
  3. This was made just for you, dense as fuck people @jehurey @Goukosan
  4. no accounts that clearly stated parody WERE NOT BANNED. you are lying. ANd there still is an actual verification system dumbtard. https://twitter.com/Twitter/status/1601692774486528000?s=20 its really not that hard to find these things for yourself.
  5. mimicking an account was not allowed goukosan. If you are verified you cant just change it to Joe Biden and make it identical. Thats the point of the verification, its an abuse of the system. It was a bannable offense before and still is now. Its not that complicated.
  6. You didn't post the post that incited violence. Twitter couldn't find it. Jack said one more violation and he can be banned, it didn't happen. Then whiney bitches at the coddle factory know as twitter couldn't take it any longer and banned the president. Even other leaders thought that was incredibly stupid. — Macron tell me you disagree just so I can see what a little bitch fake liberal you really are. You don't actually care about democracy do you?
  7. Which accounts were banned for making fun of Elon? Or are you talking about parody accounts abusing the blue check by making their profile and name identical to Elons without specifying it's parody? And just so you're all caught up, that was a policy from before he took over.
  8. It's the truth. We learnt all this during the j6th hearings
  9. The shit cgi in crystal skull ruined it
  10. I've never heard of TPM.. Where would I have even seen this? That's besides the point. I thought we knew all this already. That congressman and senators were texting Trump to "stop the steal" .
  11. Celebrities announcing their departures from Twitter on Twitter
  12. Which post was inciting an insurrection? Twitters own staff couldn't find one.
  13. I've been following the parody account of Titania McGrath for years bud. It's actually a man with an AI generated profile pic.
  14. Cause power in the hands of multi billion dollar corporations instead of the people is so much better.. 😂 they get to decide what you see and hear. Sounds great Remy. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Google, they get to decide our public discourse? Is this what you want? Fuck you're a naive tool
  15. Part 5. So Trump was banned from Twitter despite not breaking and of their policies. Meanwhile other world leaders who actually incited violence were not banned.
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