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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://thecritic.co.uk/issues/december-january-2023/elon-musk-worse-than-hitler/ :I
  2. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/kyrsten-sinema-approval-rating-equally-unpopular-everyone.html She's equally unpopular with democrats and republicans.
  3. The evidence is in the slack and email exchanges between management
  4. listen kid. These twitter files are showing the inside workings of how twitter lied, gaslit, and deceived everyone as to how they operated and how they were politically motivated. Google. Facebook. etc are probably even worse. The far left echo chamber of silicon valley with ZERO diversity of thought. They operate as an extension of the DNC and the FBI. Regular weekly meetings with the FBI and DHS? lol what?
  5. I sincerely hope you were beaten as a child and this explains your behavior. I can't even read that, its so repulsive to the eyes.
  6. This will still likely go through as the FTC won't have much to go on with an antitrust suit if MS is signing contracts to bring COD to even more platforms than before.
  7. I DIDNT FUCKING MAKE A CLAIM YOU TARD. Im posting more of the twitter files. Read it if you want. If not, then fuck off.
  8. Up until 2021 everyone thought a vaccine created immunity. That was the standard definition since the beginning of vaccines. Once it was realized these covid shots did not provide immunity as they were claimed to in the beginning the definition just magically changed for no reason right? Why the fuck would they change it? Answer that bitch. Why?
  9. its already typed out Jehurey. Are you unable to do anything for yourself?
  10. Lmao vaccine definition was changed in 2021 https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html You're so uninformed. Also Vijaya Gadde was on Rogan with Jack Dorsey and they were saying the same thing years later. Bold faced lying.
  11. I feel like I should hate this but it's fucking insane, it goes so hard! 😂
  12. But it's fun fun fun fun which seat will I taaaaake
  13. lol im the admin that brought this place back from the death. Should i have banned more people? what did i do that was so egregious? And comparing sw to multibillion dollar corporations with thousands of staff lol
  14. By banning. You don't need to shadow ban if what they did was actually against the rules. It's when someone says something you don't like but is not breaking the rules that shadow bans are used.
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