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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Wow you lie hard dude. He was against continued school closures that were still going on in 2021. And yes he was part of the Great Barrington Declaration that was also shut down by shady fucking people you pretend to like like Lord Fauci. Where did he say his impressions were reduced in 2020 gouk? Fucking lying sack of shit every time. The constant gaslighting you do is quite pathetic. You pretend to create a scenario then say "see?! It didn't happen!" No shit fucktard
  2. Like Fauci redefining what gain of function and vaccines are, twitter just redefines what shadow banning is. I fucking hate these stupid little games.
  3. https://twitter.com/Twitter/status/1022658436704731136?t=65cOxEmuuwmRSZzTJ8fDzw&s=19
  4. Lol Kristen sinema is now an independent. Not that she was ever a real democrat though
  5. Twitter saying they don't shadow ban while actively shadow banning.
  6. Lol ive said he's a corrupt piece of shit lying psychopath on multiple occasions goukosan. Now are you going to admit Biden, who has been in government for 50 years with family selling his influence is also corrupt? Or are you thaaaat much of a DNC bootlicker?
  7. He tried to convince Twitter it was a 1st amendment issue and they should follow the constitutional guidelines. They didn't. Or ya know. Just watch it yourself you lazy cunt.
  8. Saudi thing doesn't bother me much because the entire west are subservient bitches to Saudi. You know what could have alleviated some of that? The Keystone XL pipeline.
  9. Fuck Kushner!! Fuck the entire Trump family and all of their nepotistic corruption.
  10. This could very much force the deal to go through. Sony's worries are just fear mongering. And fuck Sony, HDDVD was better all their antitrust shit they have pulled in the past.
  11. So as it turns out Jim Baker reviewed these files before release, and Jim Baker is an interesting person. He was general council to the FBI and was also named in the emails he himself was reviewing, and now fired from Twitter for a massive conflict of interest.
  12. Jehurey, there's more to come 🙂 pull up your panties and relax.
  13. Sorry I'm not an investigative journalist like you jehurey 😂
  14. @Goukosan this is what I posted. There were literally 3 tweets in the thread when I posted it. Hence why I said "developing story". Dumb fuck
  15. Man you guys are so dishonest about everything. It's a simple hypothetical question. You obviously know the answer to it or you'd just say "yeah twitter would have blocked the story if it were Don Jr " . Thank you, your non answer is telling.
  17. You haven't responded to what I said about how it would have been delt with if it were a Don Jr story. This is what I mean by deflecting.
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