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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. A fat trailer trash woman eating bacon and playing xbox while sitting on her skinny dead husband she suffocated
  2. Wtf is wrong with you
  3. So, Jehurey, the smartest guy in the room. How does one look dumb by posting a very benign article about the death of a power ranger at fox news make me dumb? Did they spin it in some way to make it political or something? You're going to have to explain your ridiculous commentary.
  4. You made me look dumb by... how?
  5. You've heard of the google news app right? interesting how you've jehureyed a thread about a dead power ranger.
  6. https://www.bandlab.com/post/d94e4354-4e69-ed11-9f5e-000d3a980004 Beneath The Surface
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/power-rangers-star-jason-david-frank-dead-49
  8. https://www.bandlab.com/post/6980b933-1b69-ed11-9f5e-000d3a980004 Mourning Good Morning Kinda early U2 sound to it.
  9. It's strange that you only seem to care about the 22 mill instead of more than double that going to dems hmmmm
  10. Of course I do. But I am talking about the second largest donor to politicians in the last election. Dont you care? Cause you keep deflecting gouk.
  11. Bankman Fried was the second largest donars to the democrats after George Soros.. Using stolen money. I love how you guys keep trying to whatabout these other people. Stay on topic jehurey
  12. Oh I see. We aren't talking about bankman Fried, we are taking about multiple people now. Neat
  13. Where are you getting that from? Why are you just posting a screen shot instead of a link?
  14. Bankman-Fried, whose cryptocurrency exchange platform FTX has collapsed in recent weeks, funneled an estimated $262,200 to Republicans throughout the 2021-2022 election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records. His contributions to Republicans paled in comparison to the nearly $40 million he contributed to Democratic campaigns but still represented a significant sum, compared to most Americans. Lmao nice one.. So he gave 152x more to democrats. Using other people's money.
  15. Omg just watched Barbarian. Lol totally wasn't expecting this 😂
  16. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-funneled-max-donation-nancy-pelosis-likely-successor
  17. Is sex a continuum? Remember how we weren't supposed to conflate sex with gender? Now it's all the same thing apparently lol. Gender was emotional and behavioural and sex was the physical anatomy. And no this is not ABOUT trans people. It's about all sorts or now taboo subjects in universities. There aren't supposed to be taboo subjects at an institution of learning. Are you fucking kidding me?
  18. It's because I'm not a right winger. I'm not religious, I'm not even conservative. I believe in freedom, free speech, academic freedom, freedom to be yourself and do what you want. Marry and love whoever you want, do whatever drugs you want etc. And above all I believe all people are equal. No race is better, no identity is better. Everyone should be treated equal. Scary thoughts eh?
  19. What's a right winger? What even is right wing jehurey?
  20. I see your brain is hardwired to see people as identity groups rather than individuals.
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