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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. What stereotype is that?
  2. https://www.commonsense.news/p/an-existential-threat-to-doing-good?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=260347&post_id=83017132&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email As an evolutionary biologist, I am quite used to attempts to censor research and suppress knowledge. But for most of my career, that kind of behavior came from the right. In the old days, most students and administrators were actually on our side; we were aligned against creationists. Now, the threat comes mainly from the left. The risk of cancellation at Williams College, where I have taug
  3. Aww honey, it's ok. Did the gay man hurt your feelings?
  4. Perhaps you should have some self dignity and do something with you life and get our of your mom's basement.
  5. Can you stop projecting what you think a gay person should be on to others? It's really pathetic. Gay people aren't a fucking monolith with all the same political views. As goes with black people or Asians or whoever else. I'm so sick of the leftist bigotry. I am an individual, not a community. I don't feel I belong to a community based on sexual attraction, that's fucking stupid. Do you feel like you're in a community based on being attracted to women? It's a very weak foundation.
  6. Lol wtf does that even mean? I'm not even right wing. I'm libertarian and mostly liberal on cultural issues.
  7. Why do you say supposedly gay? Are you stereotyping again biggot?
  8. Yes, that's not being disputed Twinblade.
  9. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3737015-zelensky-calls-russian-missiles-hitting-poland-really-significant-escalation/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russian-missile-poland-nato-ukraine-przewodow-b2225824.html
  10. The media and Zelensky immediately demanded action for something that didn't even happen. That's the fucking point.
  11. Obviously. There is no doubt this wouldn't have happened if Russia weren't attacking Ukraine. That's not the fucking point and you know it.
  12. I care about the truth, the truth is not some impressive thing that I've gone out of my way for. And also this is probably for the best it was Ukraine. A half a step back from ww3. If you were actually hoping it was Russia that would be incredibly stupid and short sighted..
  13. https://www.thedailybeast.com/biden-convenes-emergency-meeting-with-world-leaders-after-missile-strike-hits-poland?via=twitter_page Very interesting
  14. These 2 don't get it. The base has nowhere else to vote. Republicans need to appeal to the middle to win. If they want to continue losing then this is how they will do it.
  15. If he wins it's gonna be WW3 and the Ukrainian nazis are going to invade!!
  16. Make Putin look like a good guy? Oh my fucking Christmas.
  17. They are more like Russian imperialist Pigs
  18. Russia's idea of peace? When have they even said this?
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