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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Putin says the sky is blue Omg you believe a Putin talking point!!! Got you bitch!!
  2. Probably not. Doesn't change the facts on the ground either.
  3. Why do you guys have jews so much? Stop listening to Ye
  4. So you agree Ukraine has a Nazi problem?
  5. Nuance isn't a gift of yours eh? You really have an issue with being hardliner on everything, it's always black and white. You'd made a great politician.
  6. Maybe they just think Nazi symbols look cool
  7. I don't support Russia invading Ukraine. But if you can't even accept basic reality...
  8. Lmao yeah totally looks like a normal wave to a friend 😂
  9. It's hilarious how you're OK with Nazis now.
  10. They literally wear Nazi patches. I'm not saying Ukraine is a nazi haven or something. But the Azov battalion aren't good guys. BBC propaganda I suppose.
  11. Que generic action game / movie music with heavy drums that sync up to gun shots.
  12. I can see you laying on your race car bed playing ridge racer to this song.
  13. Have I once praised Putin? Nope. Not once, not even close. Try again
  14. You don't think the people living in fear want this war to end? Are you this dense? You're calling an antiwar person a bootlicker. LMAO
  15. There is no perfect solution moron. But some are better than others. So glad you aren't in a position of power. You have the brain capacity of a toad.
  16. Can you stop being so fucking disingenuous? I have never said any of that. All ive ever said is we should try to find a peaceful solution so there are no more deaths. But somehow that means I want Ukrainians to suffer. Like what the fuck goes on in your brain?
  17. At least she's not doing the marble mouth baby voice thing
  18. It might launch before Star citizen at least
  19. He wants them all to bend the knee and they aren't and it's hilarious
  20. And set up a demilitarized zone like in the Korea's. Crimea is unfortunately a lost cause.. Ukraine has been flirting with NATO for years. They should drop any ambitions of joining. Because what else is there Jehurey? Is Ukraine going to invade Russia and occupy and kill Putin to prevent this from happening again? Since you seem to think an agreement would fail, what's do stop them from trying another invasion 5 years later? The only difference is one involves less death and destruction.
  21. A guarantee Ukraine does not join nato and Russia pays reparations for the damage.
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