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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Did someone dump salt in your vagina tonight Remy?
  2. I should have placed a bet
  3. Obviously that wouldn't be the agreement dumb turd
  4. Misread the tweet? His response was fucking pathetic and you know it.
  5. Oh look at him, he's getting even more mad 🤫
  6. Do you write Trump speeches? If not you really should. Everything you say and how you say it is Trump level quality. "Yup, he's getting angry". Like seriously who the fuck are you talking to right there? Fuck you're so cringey, how do you live with yourself?
  7. Lmao jehurey is the basement dwelling Trump narcissistic failure at everything
  8. You're so fucking childish it's embarrassing. You behave like Donald Trump
  9. Lmao I didn't mean to post it like that. Which is why it was edited half a second after I hit post. Cry more bitch. biden sucks and he's gonna die in office and then you'll get top cop Kamala 😂
  10. Read what I wrote dummy
  11. Wow what a leader. Why not attempt to codify roe v wade in the lame duck session before republicans take the house? Oh no wait, they won't do that because then they will lose that political wedge. Fucking cynical shit always.
  12. Never have I once said SURRENDER you disingenuous dumb fuck little shit.
  13. Umm. I've been consistent on Trump since like ever. But whatever makes you feel good gouk
  14. the debates would be hilarious
  15. What tears? Are you projecting your tears on to me? I'm sorry the democrats lost the house. It will be OK. *hugs*
  16. Yes. I see that. But why not wait?
  17. Lake shouldn't be on that list yet.
  18. I think it's DeSantis 2024 almost positively now
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