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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. This is going the way I said it would.
  2. I hope that means Trump's popularity is waning. The world doesn't need 4 more years of that. It makes everyone act fucking weird.
  3. @kazlisten to it bitch please
  4. So Hilary lied? She still claims it was Russia even though the investigation proved nothing. And what about Abrams? After conceding she claims it was "stolen" .
  5. Like Hillary and Abrams?
  6. https://www.bandlab.com/post/57692cbe-165f-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0 Probably my best ever
  7. I predict there will be issues voting and will take days, maybe weeks for the results in some of the tight races, and all of them will go in the democrats favour. Republicans will take the house and democrats will keep the Senate.
  8. And is one of the best gangster/mob movies of all time. That is all.
  9. https://www.bandlab.com/post/4be5a829-075e-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0 Love the vibe on this one @-GD-X I think you'll like it.
  10. Lost power last night due to a windstorm. So I made this by candle light https://www.bandlab.com/post/23dd39f9-235d-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0
  11. Steam just updated and now it's fixed lol. Started yesterday https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/1/3498761139317306470/
  12. Anyone else experiencing a blank page in desktop mode when trying to view your library?
  13. https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/suspension Not really
  14. Hopefully it includes Nuclear Winter DLC
  15. Looks like an evil animal crossing. 9.0 on GS
  16. So you think cons are far right fascists? Do you equate the 2?
  17. I would say 2-3 months jail time and 3 months of community service. Cleaning graffiti would be great.
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