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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Will they even get a month? Probably not. Considering it's a northern European country, they may not actually serve any time at all.
  2. Can't wait until the far right fascists start policing your social media posts.
  3. This is a very low quality post, even for you.
  4. You know some of those frames are worth well over $50,000 dollars.
  5. I just don't see how further escalation is going to end this. Unless NATO actually commits to defending Ukraine and puts that threat on the table, Putin will continue this war for the foreseeable future. And he's willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to do it. These half measures of just giving Ukraine equipment isn't going to be enough for them to win. I don't want all out war, and you don't either. The best option is to ATTEMPT to end the war with negotiations and reparations from Russia.
  6. The fact people lose their shit when someone says Russia and Ukraine should open a dialogue is very telling. You don't actually give a shit about Ukrainian people. You just want to hurt Russia and make them pay. Are you willing to sacrifice every able bodied Ukrainian man to do it? That's what a prolonged war will do. It will be a war of attrition, and Russia has 5x the population and 100x the resources. This will not end in Russia saying "Ok time to go home now". You know why? Because it's Putin.
  7. Last physical game I bought was Fire Emblem 3 houses.. But I didn't pay for it with money lol. Was with points.
  8. I don't care either way. But you seem to think covid came from nature directly with no human interference. Yet there is a. ABSENCE of any evidence pointing to that hypothesis.
  9. Do you have any proof they aren't politically biased ? Since you like to play this game.
  10. I have never once moderated this forum. "Teh power! "
  11. im using desktop mode now in a hotel with portable monitor. Little bit pissed my work paid extra for me to have the King suite and the wifi sucks in this room
  12. Yeah I don't give a fuck about Diablo immortal. D4 is going to be amazing though.
  13. That's putting it very lightly. Unless having your home or business and possibly family obliterated is an inconvenience.
  14. Yeah except for all the games you can't play easily because they aren't on steam. Massive ones like COD and Diablo 4.
  15. She's also supposed to be a journalist with integrity. Elon Musk is just an eccentric billionaire with autism.
  16. Isn't it good he deleted it rather than leaving it up? Like how Rachel Maddow still has tweets saying the vaccine prevents transmission and that gun shot wound victims wearing winter coats in July were dying because of ivermectin overdose patients were taking up hospital beds?
  17. The government doesn't need to censor if they can get big tech to do it for them.
  18. It has nothing to do with you or goukosan "calling me out". Just stop being a racist dickhole please and thank you.
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