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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. https://www.bandlab.com/post/2eaa0319-5156-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0 Here's a darker one for you
  2. No race baiting threads in this forum. No need to continue this.
  3. https://www.bandlab.com/post/955f2791-0557-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0
  4. Are you cool with a black grievance thread?
  5. I really hope nintendos next console has better docked performance. I really don't care about the handheld aspect.
  6. Vanity Fair: COVID-19 Origins: Investigating a “Complex and Grave Situation” Inside a Wuhan Lab. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/10/covid-origins-investigation-wuhan-lab Keep protecting China Jehurey, you Chinese stooge.
  7. You didn't read it did you? It'll be majority staff next month
  8. https://www.help.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/report_an_analysis_of_the_origins_of_covid-19_102722.pdf Here you go you useless tool
  9. Who the fuck said anything about surrender? We don't even have a dialogue going between these countries. It has to start somewhere. Would you rather have had WW2 end in 1942 or 1945? If peace could have been negotiated then, then the USSR would never have taken over half of Europe. It was because of Germany that Russia modernized it's military and became a powerhouse in Europe. What I'm getting at is the longer this goes the worse the outcome will be for everyone. History has proven this time and time again, yet I am the simpleton. K got it
  10. You know what loans are right? Meaning he has to pay for the loan? Gee golly batman you are dumb.
  11. Son youre just disregarding Afghanistan? What was the goal of that war again? Please remind me at how war is so effective at solving conflicts.
  12. ... how long did the Iraq and Afghanistan wars go on? Was that the full extent of the American military? It's astonishing how stupid you are.
  13. Interesting you care more about how Elon spends money than our governments spending and wasting ours. Why is this?
  14. Finished. Never mind, here is the finished one. Sounds like Age of Empires music.
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