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Everything posted by ChupacabraIII

  1. Ok, so even presented with the factual video and context you still believe the propaganda. Then there is no hope for you.
  2. I was originally gonna post something about how trump confuses shit that isn't related all the time, like confusing Hypersonic missiles with a brand of toothbrush Or how he confused the greatest attack on American soil, 9/11 with a convenience store.
  3. Yeah... Look if people want to be trans or whatever its fine we should let them cook, but going against simple biology is where I start drawing the line. Only women can have periods that's just nature. Shit ad.
  4. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/10/26/no-biden-did-not-confuse-george-w-bush-donald-trump/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/nbc-news-today-show-runs-with-edited-clip-of-biden-supposedly-confusing-trump-with-george-w-bush Fake News
  5. what the fuck is this. He didn't imply "it was time to get conservative" as the title suggests and he didn't "destroy" anyone as bodyodor suggested. Shit thread.
  6. Oh no, not exactly what he said on stage. He wants to phase out Fracking AND fossil fuels. So....? Good job on showing people that he has said and continues to say that he will phase out fracking and fossil fuels....i guess?
  7. I didn't care for that spiel. Not because of what he was talking about, but because he had just finished saying he doesn't see states in terms of red or blue, the immediately points out--correctly, mind you--that the red states need help.
  8. https://twitter.com/i/events/1319427909925228544 there are 6 statements on that list. All of them lies. 5 by Trump and 1 by Biden.
  9. Well, its like LP explained it to you, and how--if we're being honest--you Trump supporters love to point out about the way Trump speaks: he was using hyperbole. Pretty obvious hyperbole too. Kinda strange that you guys seem to be able to do the mental gymnastics when Trump says something to get it to fit your world view and get it to be on-brand, but when someone uses actual hyperbole it goes right over your head. Maybe its because your brain is tired from doing the gymnastics from when Trump speaks--and he speak alot--to catch it when others speak.
  10. Did this stupid motherfucker really ask where Abraham Lincoln came from when he compared himself to him not 5 minutes ago?
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