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Everything posted by ChupacabraIII

  1. How can you be black but still sound so forced when you speak that way?
  2. Oh no its not a first person game until you have to fight the machines and need to aim with your bow or tripcaster, then its fumblestick city.
  3. Is it actually? I might consider rebuying it. I been wanting to play so I re-bought the GOTY edition for like 5 bucks on the PSN store and I tried playing it but after like almost a decade of doing most of my gaming on PC, i can hardly use fumblesticks for First person games. I mean like, I'm really bad at it lmao.
  4. Shut the fuck up Kazi I bet you smell... just like this transition into this post's sponsor: Glasswire.
  5. I think you should learn about the other ways to added pauses to your writing. You actually look like a moron with more "." in your posts than words
  6. Hey Jerry........................did you ever look up.............................................................the....purpose of ellipsis..................................?
  7. Hasn't every studio Microsoft bought eventually gone under? lmao, the Grim Reapers of the gaming industry
  8. I don't think you know what ellipsis are or what their purpose is.
  9. I don't know how you can post things like this.....................................................................................................................................without a hint of irony.
  10. bu bu bu next-gen only ;( You honestly sound like a retard who's never been through a change of generation before, Peemij. Most games that release at launch on a new gen system are available on the old gen system as well. Fucking tard.
  11. Lmao that kind of trash didnt exist because women we're allowed to do anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure if you were poor you weren't allowed to do anything. Trust me people were making trash it probably just didn't survive the hundreds of years because no one cared enough to save it. You think every song ever made has been saved and recorded for all time?
  12. Yes compare the best of an ERA to some trash by some bitch who hates her own race.
  13. We'll have everyone back by week 7 eh? Rip patriots. also good we'll get most people back by week 5 against a competent dolphins team and the week after will be the Rams which is a division game so it'd be nice to have mostly everyone back by then too. edit: I know Bosa and probably Thomas are done for the year; I don't mean them.
  14. Jonny and Jerry two morons who think they arent morons telling each other dumb ass shit and thinking they won by placing an all caps acronym at the end of their sentence LOL
  15. Speaking of clowns, there should be a clown emoji "response" too. That way I have something close to an appropriate reaction to shitlakius' posts.
  16. That's not what your post said? It was celebrating her death with a video of whoopi goldberg praising jesus from Sister Act and something else equally off-color.
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